Honey Bee Recommended Insect – Harvest to Desk

Honey Bee Recommended Insect – Harvest to Desk

Honey bee Honey bees are important pollinators of vegetables, fruits, flowers and other plants. The honeybee is a beneficial insect. Attract honey bees to your garden by planting flowers high in nectar and pollen including asters, cosmos, calendula, snapdragons, zinnias, foxglove, sunflowers, mints, lavenders, borage, rosemary, Echinacea, and sages. Also provide a water source in

Inexperienced Lacewing Advisable Bugs – Harvest to Desk

Inexperienced Lacewing Advisable Bugs – Harvest to Desk

Green Lacewing adult Green lacewings are beneficial insects. Adult lacewings feed on nectar, pollen, and aphid honeydew. Young, larvae lacewings feed on the eggs and immature stages of many soft bodied insect pests including aphids, asparagus beetle larvae, caterpillar eggs and young caterpillars, Colorado potato beetle larvae, spider mites, thrips, whiteflies, leafhoppers, and the eggs

Murderer Computer virus Really helpful Insect – Harvest to Desk

Murderer Computer virus Really helpful Insect – Harvest to Desk

Assassin Bug Assassin bugs are beneficial insects. There are hundreds of species of assassin bugs. Assassin bugs have broad bodies and narrow heads with a sharp curved proboscis—like a beak–which they use to impale their prey—thus the name assassin bug. Assassin bugs feed on aphids, cabbage worm, Colorado potato beetles, cucumber beetles, cutworms, earwigs, Japanese

Soldier Beetle Really helpful Insect – Harvest to Desk

Soldier Beetle Really helpful Insect – Harvest to Desk

Soldier beetle The soldier beetle is a beneficial insect. Both adult and especially larvae soldier beetles are voracious eaters preying on insect pests including cucumber beetles, corn rootworms, aphids, grasshopper eggs, caterpillars, and beetle larvae. A second common name for the soldier beetle is leatherwings. Attract soldier beetles to the garden by planting goldenrod, milkweed