One of the simplest ways to Make Earlier-Shaped Jams—Actually Simple

One of the simplest ways to Make Earlier-Shaped Jams—Actually Simple

Strawberry jam, plum jam, peach jam, blueberry jam, grape jam—any fruit can be cooked with sugar to make jam. Late summer is home-made jam season—unless you grow apricots and then mid-summer is jam season. My Santa Rosa plum tree is a jam factory in September. Whatever fruit you grow or buy at the farm market

The best way to Give protection to Asparagus Crops from Winter

The best way to Give protection to Asparagus Crops from Winter

Avoid letting asparagus set seeds Protect perennial asparagus plants from cold temperature damage by mulching the asparagus bed with compost, aged manure, or straw before freezing weather or snow arrives. Asparagus crowns can produce tasty spears for 20 years or longer if given the right care and nutrients. The ferny stalks and branching growth of