Vegetable Seed Beginning Indoors

Vegetable Seed Beginning Indoors

Vegetable Seed Staring: Light, temperature, water, nutrients, and spacing are planned and regulated indoors. Starting vegetable seeds indoors will give you a head start on the growing season–actually extend your growing season–and make your garden more productive. Starting seeds indoors eliminates one of the biggest unpredictables of vegetable gardening–poor outdoor germination conditions. Light, temperature, water

Dwarf and Miniature Greens for Packing containers

Dwarf and Miniature Greens for Packing containers

Miniature, midget, and dwarf vegetables are good selections for container growing. True dwarf varieties at full maturity have edible parts that are smaller in size than ordinary vegetable varieties and cultivars. Miniatures, midgets, and dwarfs differ from vegetables that are sold as “baby” vegetables–those are generally full-sized cultivars picked before maturity. Baby corn, for example