Definition, Example, How It Works, Vs. Parent

What Is Patent Pending?

The phrase patent pending is marked on a product as a remember that its inventor has begun the process of creating use of for distinctive rights to use, advertise, or license the product. Throughout the U.S., it means that a provisional patent application has been submitted to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Administrative center (USPTO).

The patent-pending perceive is meant to warn doable copycats that they may be sued within the tournament that they copy the speculation, if and when the patent is approved. It moreover establishes the fact that a patent application has been filed and thus would have priority over any application to patent a significantly identical idea that was once as soon as filed on a later date.

Most patents are awarded for a unique process or design.

Key Takeaways

  • A patent awards an inventor distinctive rights to use, advertise, or license a brand spanking new and unique invention or advent.
  • A patent-pending perceive on a product implies that its inventor has begun the process of creating use of for patent protection.
  • Violators of a patent-pending perceive can be sued for damages on the other hand only if and when the patent is awarded.
  • If awarded, the patent’s jail protection could be backdated to the filing of the provisional patent application.
  • A patent-pending perceive can be used for 300 and sixty 5 days and renewed if crucial.

Understanding Patent Pending

The patent-pending perceive has no jail energy in itself. The product or process is not legally protected at the moment.

Alternatively, it warns doable pageant {{that a}} patent application has been filed and that they can be sued for patent infringement after the patent is granted within the tournament that they carry the speculation. Moreover, the patent protection could be backdated to the date that the provisional patent application was once as soon as filed.

A patent-pending perceive implies that an application date has been established.

Patent Tool Date Is Key

Applications for a patent are considered throughout the order during which they’d been filed. If two or additional inventors follow for a patent for a significantly identical product or process, the applicant who filed earliest will get the patent.

If the patent is granted, the patent-pending disclosure would support the inventor’s claim {{that a}} competitor knowingly stole an idea.

A patent holder may be able to gain damages, along with back-dated royalties, or obtain an injunction ordering the copycat to stop using the speculation. A courtroom docket may even order the impoundment of products that have been created without the authorization of the patent holder.

Placement of a Patent Pending Perceive

An inventor would perhaps use the period of time “patent pending” in promoting and advertising materials, on product packaging, and on the product itself. There is not any standard notification. Some inventors use variations of the period of time, paying homage to “Pat. Pend.” Some moreover display the provisional patent amount attached to it in the course of the Patent Administrative center.

Once a patent has been granted or denied, the inventor can’t use the words “patent pending.”

22 Months

The on a regular basis period of time it takes for a patent application to be approved or denied.

Explicit Considerations

The United States Patent and Trademark Administrative center (USPTO) requires that the words “patent pending” be used in superb faith. In fact, it would in reality impose fines of up to $500 for a violation, which is considered false promoting and advertising.

The patent-approval process is lengthy. It in most cases takes almost about two years on the other hand can take as long as 5 years or additional. The “patent pending” designation gives the inventor a point of protection throughout the intervening time.

A patent-pending status granted via a provisional patent is meant to ultimate for 300 and sixty 5 days. Its use can be extended, on the other hand, if a patent application is rejected and then revised and resubmitted.

Once granted, a patent is authentic for up to two decades from the patent application filing date for utility and plant patents, and 14 years from the date the patent was once as soon as granted for design patents.

Using a patent-pending designation can effectively extend that protection via a three hundred and sixty five days.

Types of Patents

There are 5 distinct types of patent, on the other hand some of the steadily sought are for the safety of a process or a design:

  • A utility patent is granted to the inventor or discoverer of a brand spanking new and useful process, device, article of manufacture, or composition of matter. An construction on an present style of this type of might also qualify for a utility patent.
  • A design patent is granted to the inventor of a brand spanking new, distinctive, and ornamental design for a product.

Additional types of patents include:

  • A plant patent protects the rights of a scientist who asexually reproduces a certain and new collection of plant.
  • A reissue patent can be issued to correct an error in an earlier patent.
  • A defensive e-newsletter patent is specific in scope and is aimed best at combating any person else from patenting an invention, design, or plant.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Patent Pending

The provisional patent application gives an inventor one additional three hundred and sixty five days of doable protection for an invention.

A utility patent protects an invention for two decades. A design patent lasts for 14 years. If the provisional patent application is approved, the inventor has already had 300 and sixty 5 days during which to refine a product and full a whole patent application.

The inventor would perhaps market the product with a patent-pending designation to tell competition that copycats could be pursued when and if the patent is awarded.

In a fiercely competitive market, an inventor can use the provisional patent application process to stake a claim on an idea forward of a rival gets there.

A conceivable problem is the danger of revealing trade secrets and techniques and strategies. A provisional patent application will have to include enough component to support the formal application that may follow. And that will alert business competition to what’s coming.

One of the best ways to File for Patent Pending Status

A provisional patent application is a correct record filed with the U.S. Patent Administrative center that establishes a priority filing date for a patent application. It is superb for 300 and sixty 5 days, in the course of the tip of which all of the application will have to be filed.

Within the interim, the inventor would perhaps attach the patent-pending label to the product or process that could be considered for patent protection.

Patent Pending Infringement

There could also be no longer so much that an inventor can do to stop a copycat from stealing an idea while it is throughout the patent-pending stage. Alternatively, if and when the patent is approved, the inventor can take whole jail movement.

Moreover, the results can be imposed for violations that began when the product finished patent-pending status. That is the date that the provisional patent application was once as soon as filed.

Accidental and Willful Infringement

U.S. law distinguishes between unintentional and willful patent infringement. Accidental patent infringement occurs when an inventor or an entrepreneur comes up with a brilliant idea and takes it to {the marketplace}, no longer working out that someone else has a patent on the similar product or process.

Willful patent infringement occurs when a person or a company outright steals an idea that has been patented and drops a reproduction of it to be had available on the market.

The results for unintentional infringement would perhaps come to about the same quantity since the violator would have paid to license the use of the patented product. Willful infringement, if it can be showed, can result in triple damages being awarded to the patent holder.

The World Complication

It is the responsibility of the patent holder to identify violations of the patent and to pursue them legally.

This is difficult in a single country and becomes near-impossible on an international scale. Let’s consider an American invents and patents a unique process to make a zero-calorie apple pie. Then an entrepreneur in Laos or Finland or Azerbijian steals the speculation and turns it into a local sensation.

Is it more than likely that the patent holder will to determine?


The number of patents awarded to Thomas Edison for his inventions in electric delicate and power, telephony and telegraphy, and recording.

Example of Patent Pending

Patent-pending status may be awarded to near-identical inventions over and over again forward of a style of it is awarded a patent and comes to be had available on the market, if no doubt one ever does.

Say an entrepreneur named Joe has an idea for a brand spanking new product. He conducts a patent search and divulges that each different applicant has already been granted a provisional patent for an invention that is almost about identical.

A three hundred and sixty five days later, Joe searches the patent database yet again and discovers that the provisional patent has no longer been renewed. He instantly hires a patent criminal skilled and files for a provisional patent.

After filing for a provisional patent, Joe manufactures a prototype of his new product and markets it with a patent-pending sticky label. Then again after the product hits {the marketplace}, Joe discovers that the regulatory and capital improvements required for mass-manufacturing his product are too steep.

Joe abandons the patent after a three hundred and sixty five days, and the speculation becomes available once yet again.

How So much Does it Price to Get Patent Pending Status?

Filing a provisional patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trade Administrative center can worth as little as $130 on the other hand that does not mirror the true costs of obtaining a patent.

The costs vary broadly for buying able a provisional patent application and for buying able the entire patent application. An applicant who uses a patent criminal skilled will also be anticipating to pay $10,000 or additional for a utility patent application and about $2,000 for a design patent.

The variation is throughout the complexity of the specified documentation. Tool patent applications will have to be accompanied via extensive drawings that disclose the invention, preferably created via a skilled draftsman.

The patent criminal skilled’s first procedure is to seem patent databases to ensure that the speculation has no longer already been patented.

When Can You Say “Patent Pending”?

It is appropriate in an effort to upload the period of time “patent pending” in your product or process as soon as your provisional patent application has been submitted to the USPTO and has been dated.

You are able to use that designation for up to 300 and sixty 5 days without filing for an extension.

Is There a Symbol for Patent Pending?

There is not any standard symbol for patent pending. There isn’t even standard language to use. Most entrepreneurs mark their product or packaging or each and every with “Patent Pending” or “Pat Pend.”

How Long Does It Take for a Provisional Patent Tool to be Approved?

Patent-pending status begins as soon as the application has been filed with the USPTO. It implies that the process of a patent application has begun, no longer that it has no longer been approved or rejected.

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