Definition, What It Calculates, and Formula

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What Is Key Value Duration?

Key rate duration measures how the cost of a debt protection or a debt instrument portfolio, most often bonds, changes at a decided on maturity degree along the whole lot of the yield curve. When protecting other maturities constant, the necessary factor rate duration is used to measure the sensitivity in a debt protection’s price to a 1% business in yield for a decided on maturity.

Key Takeaways

  • The necessary factor rate duration calculates the business in a bond’s price in relation to a 100-basis-point (1%) business throughout the yield for a given maturity.
  • When a yield curve has a parallel shift, you can use environment friendly duration, alternatively key rate duration must be used when the yield curve moves in a non-parallel way, to estimate portfolio price changes.
  • Duration measures tell you the cost risk fascinated about keeping fastened income securities given a transformation in interest rates.

The Gadget for Key Value Duration

Key Value Duration method.



  • P= a security’s price after a 1% decrease in its yield
  • P+ = a security’s price after a 1% building up in its yield
  • P0 = the safety’s unique price

Calculating Key Value Duration

As an example, think {{that a}} bond is at the beginning priced at $1,000, and with a 1% building up in yield might be priced at $970, and with a 1% decrease in yield might be priced at $1,040. consistent with the method above, the necessary factor rate duration for this bond might be:

KRD = ( $ 1 , 0 4 0 $ 9 7 0 ) / ( 2 × 1 % × $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) = $ 7 0 / $ 2 0 = 3 . 5 where: KRD = Key rate duration

get started{aligned} &text{KRD}=left($1,040 – $970right)/left(2times1percenttimes$1,000right)=$70/$20=3.5 &textbf{where:} &text{KRD = Key rate duration} end{aligned} KRD=($1,040$970)/(2×1%×$1,000)=$70/$20=3.5where:KRD = Key rate duration

What Does Key Value Duration Tell You?

Key rate duration is an important concept in estimating the anticipated changes in price for a bond or portfolio of bonds because it does so when the yield curve shifts in a way that is not totally parallel, which occurs steadily.

Environment friendly duration—each different essential bond metric—is an insightful duration measure that also calculates expected changes in price for a bond or portfolio of bonds given a 1% business in yield, alternatively it’s only respectable for parallel shifts throughout the yield curve. This is the reason the necessary factor rate duration is this type of valuable metric.

Key rate duration and environment friendly duration are similar. There are 11 maturities along the Treasury spot rate curve, and a key rate duration may be calculated for each. The sum of the entire 11 key rate classes along the portfolio’s yield curve an identical the environment friendly duration of the portfolio.

Example of Simple learn how to Use the Key Value Duration

It can be tricky to interpret an individual key rate duration on account of it is extremely not really {{that a}} single degree on the treasury yield curve could have an upwards or downwards shift at a single degree while all others keep constant. It’s useful for looking at key rate classes across the curve and looking at the relative values of key rate classes between two securities.

For instance, think bond X has a one-year key rate duration of 0.5 and a five-year key rate duration of 0.9. Bond Y has a key rate classes of 1.2 and nil.3 for the ones maturity problems, respectively. It is going to neatly be mentioned that bond X is a component as refined as bond Y on the short-term end of the curve, while bond Y is one-third as refined to interest rate changes on the intermediate part of the curve.

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