Gordon Growth Model GGM Defined Example and Formula

What Is the Gordon Growth Sort (GGM)?

The Gordon enlargement model (GGM) is a technique used to make a decision the intrinsic worth of a stock in step with a longer term collection of dividends that increase at a unbroken worth. This is a popular and simple variant of the dividend bargain model (DDM). The GGM assumes that dividends increase at a unbroken worth in perpetuity and solves for the prevailing worth of the never-ending collection of longer term dividends.

Because the model assumes a unbroken enlargement worth, it is most often most straightforward used for firms with forged enlargement fees in dividends in step with share.

Key Takeaways

  • The Gordon enlargement model (GGM) is a technique used to decide the intrinsic worth of company stock.
  • It assumes that a company exists forever and that there is a constant enlargement in dividends when valuing a company’s stock.
  • The GGM works by means of taking a vast collection of dividends in step with share and discounting them once more to the present the usage of the specified worth of return.
  • This is a variant of the dividend bargain model (DDM).
  • The GGM is highest for firms with strong enlargement fees, given its assumption of continuous dividend enlargement.

Gordon Growth Sort Way

The Gordon enlargement model manner is in step with the mathematical homes of a vast collection of numbers emerging at a unbroken worth. The three key inputs inside the model are dividends in step with share (DPS), the growth worth in dividends in step with share, and the specified worth of return (ROR).

P = D 1 r − g where: P = Provide stock value g = Constant enlargement worth expected for dividends, in perpetuity r = Constant price of equity capital for the company (or worth of return) D 1 = Price of next 12 months’s dividends

get started{aligned} &P = frac{ D_1 }{ r – g } &textbf{where:} &P = text{Provide stock value} &g = text{Constant enlargement worth expected for} &text{dividends, in perpetuity} &r = text{Constant price of equity capital for the} &text{company (or worth of return)} &D_1 = text{Price of next 12 months’s dividends} end{aligned} ​P=r−gD1​​where:P=Provide stock valueg=Constant enlargement worth expected fordividends, in perpetuityr=Constant price of equity capital for thecompany (or worth of return)D1​=Price of next 12 months’s dividends​

Provide: Stern School of Industry, New York School.

Importance of the Gordon Growth Sort

The GGM makes an try to calculate the fair worth of a stock irrespective of the prevailing market must haves and takes into consideration the dividend payout parts and {the marketplace}’s expected returns. If the value gained from the rage is higher than the prevailing purchasing and promoting value of shares, then the stock is thought of as to be undervalued and qualifies for a purchase order, and vice versa.

Dividends in step with share represent the yearly expenses a company makes to its no longer ordinary equity shareholders, while the growth worth in dividends in step with share is how so much the speed of dividends in step with share will building up from one year to each different. The specified worth of return is the minimum worth of return patrons are ready to simply settle for when buying a company’s stock, and there are a few models patrons use to estimate this worth.

Assumptions of the Gordon Growth Sort

The Gordon enlargement model values a company’s stock the usage of an assumption of continuous enlargement in dividend expenses that a company makes to its no longer ordinary equity shareholders. The GGM assumes that a company exists forever and will pay dividends in step with share that increase at a unbroken worth.

To estimate the intrinsic worth of a stock, the rage takes the never-ending collection of dividends in step with share and discounts them once more to the present the usage of the specified worth of return.

Limitations of the Gordon Growth Sort

The principle limitation of the Gordon enlargement model lies in its assumption of continuous enlargement in dividends in step with share. It is rather unusual for firms to show constant enlargement in their dividends on account of industry cycles and surprising financial difficulties or successes. The fad is thus limited to firms showing forged enlargement fees.

The second issue occurs with the relationship between the discount factor and the growth worth used inside the model. If the specified worth of return isn’t as much as the growth worth of dividends in step with share, the result is a unfavourable worth, rendering the rage worthless. Moreover, if the specified worth of return is the same as the growth worth, the value in step with share approaches infinity.

Example of the Gordon Growth Sort

As a hypothetical example, believe a company whose stock is purchasing and promoting at $110 in step with share. This company requires an 8% minimum worth of return (r) and will pay a $3 dividend in step with share next 12 months (D1), which is expected to increase by means of 5% every year (g).

The intrinsic worth (P) of the stock is calculated as follows:

P = $ 3 . 08 − . 05 = $ 100

get started{aligned} &text{P} = frac{ $3 }{ .08 – .05 } = $100 end{aligned} ​P=.08−.05$3​=$100​

In step with the Gordon enlargement model, the shares are nowadays $10 puffed up to be had available in the market.

Execs and Cons of the Gordon Growth Sort


  • The GGM is again and again used to determine intrinsic worth and is thought of as the perfect strategy to know.
  • The fad establishes the value of a company’s stock without accounting for market must haves, which simplifies the calculation.
  • This simple manner moreover provides a way to evaluation corporations of quite a lot of sizes and in numerous industries.


What Does the Gordon Growth Sort Tell You?

The Gordon enlargement model makes an try to calculate the fair worth of a stock irrespective of the prevailing market must haves and takes into consideration the dividend payout parts and {the marketplace}’s expected returns. If the GGM worth is higher than the stock’s provide market value, then the stock is thought of as to be undervalued and must be bought. Conversely, if the value is lower than the stock’s provide market value, then the stock is thought of as to be puffed up and must be presented.

What Are the Inputs for the Gordon Growth Sort?

The three inputs inside the GGM are dividends in step with share (DPS), the growth worth in dividends in step with share, and the specified worth of return (RoR). DPS is the yearly expenses a company makes to its no longer ordinary equity shareholders, while the DPS enlargement worth is the once a year worth of creating up in dividends. The specified worth of return is the minimum worth of return at which patrons will acquire a company’s stock.

What Are the Drawbacks of the Gordon Growth Sort?

The GGM’s main limitation lies in its assumption of continuous enlargement in dividends in step with share. It is rather unusual for firms to show constant enlargement in their dividends on account of industry cycles and surprising financial difficulties or successes. The fad is thus limited to corporations with forged enlargement fees in dividends in step with share. Any other issue occurs with the relationship between the discount factor and the growth worth used inside the model. If the specified worth of return isn’t as much as the growth worth of dividends in step with share, the result is a unfavourable worth, rendering the rage worthless. Moreover, if the specified worth of return is the same as the growth worth, the value in step with share approaches infinity.

The Bottom Line

The Gordon enlargement model is a popular manner this is used to look out the intrinsic worth of a company’s stock. In most cases, when the rage’s calculation results in a decide this is higher than the prevailing market value of a company’s shares, the stock is seen as undervalued and must be regarded as a purchase order. When the GGM result is lower than the prevailing purchasing and promoting value, the stock is seen as puffed up and must be regarded as a advertise.

An obstacle of the Gordon enlargement model is its assumption that dividend payouts increase at a unbroken worth. This makes it useful most straightforward when taking into consideration the stock of those select corporations with dividends that have compatibility that assumption. In addition to, must the process’s required worth of return be less than the dividend enlargement worth, the result can be unfavourable and of no worth.

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