What Are Punitive Damages? Purpose, Cap, Calculation, and Example

What Are Punitive Damages? Purpose, Cap, Calculation, and Example

What Are Punitive Damages? Punitive damages are the payment that a defendant found guilty of committing a wrong or offense is ordered to pay on top of compensatory damages. They are awarded when compensatory damages—the money given to the injured party—are deemed to be insufficient. Punitive damages go beyond compensating the aggrieved party. They are

Achieve Fund Definition

Achieve Fund Definition

What Is a Purchase Fund? A purchase fund is a feature of some bond indentures and preferred stock that requires the issuer to make an effort to purchase a specified amount of securities if they fall below a stipulated price (usually par value). Par value is a term that often describes a bond, but can

Purchasing System in Inventory Regulate: Types and Examples

Purchasing System in Inventory Regulate: Types and Examples

What Is a Purchasing System? A purchasing system is a process for buying products and services encompassing purchase from requisition and purchase order through product receipt and payment. Purchasing systems are a key component of effective inventory management in that they monitor existing stock and help companies determine what to buy, how much to buy