Pop-Up Risk Definition

Pop-Up Risk Definition

What Is a Pop-Up Option? A pop-up option is a joint and survivor annuity or pension option, generally limited to married couples, that is triggered if the annuitant or pension plan member’s spouse predeceases the plan member. The pop-up option then boosts the plan member’s pension after the spouse’s death. The increase in the pension

What Is Portability?

What Is Portability?

What Is Portability? Portability refers to an employee’s option to retain certain benefits when switching employers. Some pension plans and health insurance have portability. Most 401(k) plans also have portability of benefits, as do health savings accounts (HSAs). Key Takeaways Portability is the option to move certain employee benefits along with you if you change

Portable Alpha Definition

Portable Alpha Definition

What Is the Portable Alpha Strategy? The portable alpha strategy focuses on investing in stocks or other assets that have demonstrated little or no correlation with the markets. To do this, investors separate alpha from beta by investing in securities that are not in the market index from which their beta is derived. Key Takeaways

What Is a Easy Vanilla Trade? Definition, Varieties, and How It Works

What Is a Easy Vanilla Trade? Definition, Varieties, and How It Works

What Is a Plain Vanilla Swap? A plain vanilla swap is one of the simplest financial instruments contracted in the over-the-counter market between two private parties, both of which are usually firms or financial institutions. There are several types of plain vanilla swaps, including an interest rate swap, commodity swap, and a foreign currency swap.

Plan Administrator Definition

Plan Administrator Definition

What Is a Plan Administrator? A plan administrator is a person or company responsible for managing a retirement fund or a pension plan on behalf of its participants and beneficiaries. The plan administrator is tasked with ensuring the funds are properly collected and distributed to all qualified participants. In terms of fiduciary duty, the plan

Pledging Requirement Definition

Pledging Requirement Definition

What is Pledging Requirement? Pledging Requirement refers to a legal, or bureaucratic, stipulation that marketable and actively traded securities be pledged as collateral for public fund, or other specific, deposits. Key Takeaways Pledging Requirement refers to a legal, or bureaucratic, stipulation that marketable and actively traded securities be pledged as collateral for public fund, or