What Is a Symmetrical Triangle Construction? Definition and Purchasing and promoting

What Is a Symmetrical Triangle Construction? Definition and Purchasing and promoting

What is a Symmetrical Triangle A symmetrical triangle is a chart pattern characterized by two converging trend lines connecting a series of sequential peaks and troughs. These trend lines should be converging at a roughly equal slope. Trend lines that are converging at unequal slopes are referred to as a rising wedge, falling wedge, ascending

What it is, When to Use

What it is, When to Use

What is a Synthetic Call? A synthetic call is an options strategy that uses stock shares and put option to simulate the performance of a call option. This gives the investor a theoretically unlimited growth potential with a specific limit to the amount risked. Key Takeaways A synthetic call is an option strategy to create

Synthetic Dividend Definition

Synthetic Dividend Definition

What Is a Synthetic Dividend? A synthetic dividend is an investment strategy in which investors use various financial instruments to create a stream of income mimicking that provided by dividend-paying companies. A common example of this strategy consists of selling covered call options against a portfolio of non-dividend-paying companies. In doing so, the investor would

Synthetic Rent Definition

Synthetic Rent Definition

What Is a Synthetic Lease? A synthetic lease is an off-the-balance sheet operating lease whereby a special purpose entity, established by the operating or parent company, purchases an asset and then leases it back to the operating company. The synthetic lease is popular among publicly traded companies that seek to improve debt to equity ratios