Sotheby’s Definition

Sotheby’s Definition

What Is Sotheby’s? Sotheby’s is one of the world’s largest auction houses and brokers of art, collectibles, jewelry, and real estate. Founded in England and headquartered in New York City, Sotheby’s is organized into three separate business units: finance, auctions, and dealing. It also offers a number of related services, such as private sales and corporate

Sour Crude Definition

Sour Crude Definition

What Is Sour Crude? Sour crude is a type of crude oil known for its relatively high sulfur content. The presence of sulfur makes oil more difficult and costly to refine, causing sour crude to be viewed as a less desirable form of crude oil. By contrast, sweet crude oil is known for its low

South African Reserve Monetary establishment Definition

South African Reserve Monetary establishment Definition

What Is the South African Reserve Bank? The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) is the central reserve bank of the Republic of South Africa. Its functions include the formulating and implementing of South Africa’s monetary policy, ensuring the efficiency of South Africa’s financial system, and educating South Africa’s citizens about the monetary and economic situation