Cottage Industry

Cottage Industry

What Is a Cottage Industry? A cottage industry is a small manufacturing business that is owned and operated by an individual or a family, typically operating out of a home rather than a purpose-built facility. Cottage industries are defined by the small amount of investment that is required to start one. They often focus on

Counterbid Definition

Counterbid Definition

What Is a Counterbid? A counterbid is a response to an offer or bid that is more favorable for one party than a previously submitted bid. A bid is an offer from a purchaser to buy an asset from a seller. During the negotiation process, it is not uncommon for each side to issue multiple

Countermand Definition

Countermand Definition

What Does Countermand Mean? Countermand means to cancel, revoke, or reverse an order that has been previously issued. In this way it is used as a verb. As a noun, it refers to the order given that is contrary to the previous order. In the financial world, countermand is usually applicable to payments; it means

Countermove Definition

Countermove Definition

What Is a Countermove? A countermove is a movement of a security’s price that opposes the trend in price. A countermove happens right after the original trend, but in a smaller amount than the original trend. Investors and traders watch for countermoves to be able to enter the market in a favorable position.  A countermove is also