What Is a SIC Code, Who Needs a SIC Code, and How To To search out Yours

What Is a SIC Code, Who Needs a SIC Code, and How To To search out Yours

What Is a Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code? Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government that categorize the industries to which companies belong, while also organizing industries by their business activities. The SIC codes were created by the U.S. government in 1937 to classify and analyze economic activity across

Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable (SICAV) Definition

Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable (SICAV) Definition

What Is Société d’investissement à Capital Variable (SICAV)? A Société d’investissement à Capital Variable, or SICAV fund, is a publicly-traded open-end investment fund structure offered in Europe. SICAV funds are similar to open-end mutual funds in the U.S. Shares in the fund are bought and sold based on the fund’s current net asset value (NAV). Key Takeaways A

In poor health Industrial Corporations Act (SICA): Definition and Targets

In poor health Industrial Corporations Act (SICA): Definition and Targets

What Is the Sick Industrial Companies Act (SICA)? The Sick Industrial Companies Act of 1985 (SICA) was a key piece of legislation dealing with the issue of rampant industrial sickness in India. The Sick Industrial Companies Act (SICA) was enacted in India to detect unviable (“sick”) or potentially sick companies and to help with their revival, if

Side Collateral Definition

Side Collateral Definition

What Is Side Collateral? Side collateral is a pledge that partially collateralizes a loan. The pledge can be a physical asset, financial asset, or personal guarantee. While physical or financial assets can be assigned an underlying price or value, personal guarantees depend solely on the character of the borrower. Most commercial lenders will not accept

SIFMA (Protection Business/Financial Market Association) Definition

SIFMA (Protection Business/Financial Market Association) Definition

What Is SIFMA (Security Industry/Financial Market Association)? The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) is a not-for-profit trade association that represents securities brokerage firms, investment banking institutions, and other investment firms. SIFMA represents firms of all sizes in all financial markets in the U.S. and around the globe. The organization’s membership represents 80% of