Soil Temperature and Planting Crops

Soil Temperature and Planting Crops

Vegetable seeds and seedlings require minimum soil temperatures to germinate and grow. Seeds and seedlings require optimal soil temperatures to thrive. Soil temperature triggers not only seed germination but is an important factor in soil chemistry. Soil chemistry includes the release (dissolution) of mineral nutrients in soil moisture. Mineral nutrients are essential for vegetable plant

Vegetable Seed Germination

Vegetable Seed Germination

Tomato seeds Different vegetables have different germination requirements. It’s important to know the germination requirements of the seeds you are planting to ensure success. Viable seeds are alive; they contain an embryo, stored food, and are surrounded by a seed coat. A seed will germinate or begin to grow when soil moisture, temperature, and oxygen

Seed Germination Temperatures

Seed Germination Temperatures

Vegetable seed germination is greatly dependent upon soil temperature. Other near equal factors include seed vitality (the age of the seed), soil moisture, soil air, and soil conditions and workability. This chart shows the range of soil temperatures needed for seed germination. The chart also shows the number of days to germination at optimum temperatures.

Vegetable Harvest Events

Vegetable Harvest Events

Timing is everything when it comes to the home vegetable garden harvest. Once vegetables are picked they immediately begin to lose flavor, tenderness, and nutritional value. Harvest your crops as close to the time you plan to serve them, within an hour or less of serving time is best. How do you know when it

Expand Winter Squash from Seed

Expand Winter Squash from Seed

Winter squash are tender, warm-weather crops very similar to summer squashes. But, winter squashes—unlike summer squashes—must fully mature on the vine before harvest. Summer squashes can be picked and eaten immature; they have a succulent texture. Winter squashes are drier and more fibrous than summer squashes. Winter squashes include acorn, banana, buttercup, butternut, cushaw delicious

Watermelon Planting Time

Watermelon Planting Time

Plant watermelon seeds in the garden when the soil temperature reaches 70°F (21°C), usually 2 to 4 weeks after the last frost in spring. Watermelon is a tropical plant and demands a long, warm, dry growing season with temperatures between 70° and 80°F (21-26°C) during the day and 60°-70°F (16-21°C) at night. Watermelons require 75