Herb Drying Methods

Herb Drying Methods

The herbs you grow and dry yourself will be far superior to those you buy packaged. Herbs with woody stems and thick or tough leaves are best for drying and holding their flavor—thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage, and lemon verbena are good choices. (Herbs with soft leaves and stems such as basil, dill, parsley, chervil, and

Broaden Cucumbers for Style

Broaden Cucumbers for Style

Cucumber plants that are stressed during the growing season may produce fruit that is bitter flavored. Commonly a lack of water or temperatures too cold or too hot cause cucumbers to bear bitter-tasting fruit. But some cucumbers may have a slightly bitter flavor by nature. Cucumbers contain organic compounds called cucurbitacins that can cause fruit

Crew Investing Definition

Crew Investing Definition

What Is Community Investing? In finance, the term “community investing” refers to institutions and investment products that are intended to support economically disadvantaged communities.  In the United States, for example, there are several types of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), such as community development banks (CDBs) and community development credit unions (CDCUs). These institutions provide

What Is the Group Reinvestment Act (CRA)? Definition

What Is the Group Reinvestment Act (CRA)? Definition

What Is the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)? The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) is a federal law enacted in 1977 to encourage depository institutions to meet the credit needs of the communities where they are chartered, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. The CRA requires federal banking agencies to assess how well each institution fulfills its obligations

Group Assets That implies, and When and Where It Applies

Group Assets That implies, and When and Where It Applies

What Is Community Property? Community property refers to a U.S. state-level legal distinction that designates a married individual’s assets. Any income and any real or personal property acquired by either spouse during a marriage are considered community property and thus belong to both partners of the marriage. Under community property, spouses own (and owe) everything

Commutation Definition

Commutation Definition

What Is Commutation? Commutation refers to the right that a beneficiary has to exchange one type of income for another. Commutation is offered to annuitants and to the beneficiaries of life insurance policies so that they might receive a lump-sum payment instead of a series of future payments. When this happens, the net present value (NPV) of