Celery Harvest and Store Tips

Celery Harvest and Store Tips

Celery is ready to harvest 85 to 120 days after transplanting depending on the variety. Celery is finicky and can be a challenge to grow. The optimal temperatures for growing celery are 65° to 75°F (18°-24°C) during the day and 60° to 65°F (15°-18°C) at night. Temperatures must stay above 55°F during the daytime and

Commodity Credit score rating Corporate (CCC) Defined

Commodity Credit score rating Corporate (CCC) Defined

What Is the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC)? The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) is a wholly-owned U.S. government corporation tasked with supporting the domestic agricultural sector. The CCC enacts its mandate by providing subsidies and incentives to U.S. agricultural producers. The CCC also assists the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) in developing foreign markets for agricultural

Commodity ETF Definition

Commodity ETF Definition

What Is a Commodity ETF? A commodity ETF is an exchange traded fund (ETF) invested in physical commodities, such as agricultural goods, natural resources, and precious metals. A commodity ETF is usually focused on either a single commodity held in physical storage or investments in commodities futures contracts. Other commodity ETFs track the performance of

Commodity Paper

Commodity Paper

What is Commodity Paper? Commodity paper is a loan or advance for which raw materials owned by the borrower serve as collateral. The term paper refers to the contract, which is mostly a promissory note. For some commodities the collateral may be comprised of grading certificates, warehouse receipts or bills of lading. Key Takeaways Commodity