Trade Precise Belongings (CRE) Loan Definition, Types, Words, Fees

Trade Precise Belongings (CRE) Loan Definition, Types, Words, Fees

What Is a Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Loan? A commercial real estate loan is a mortgage secured by a lien on commercial property as opposed to residential property. Commercial real estate (CRE) refers to any income-producing real estate that is used for business purposes; for example, offices, retail, hotels, and apartments. Key Takeaways A CRE

Business Year Definition

Business Year Definition

What Is a Commercial Year? A commercial year is a 360-day period composed of 12 months of 30 days that is used by some businesses and non-profit organizations to internally track changes in accounts. Differences in the number of days in each calendar month are adjusted so that comparisons for sales, expenses, etc. are easier

Commingling (Commingled)

Commingling (Commingled)

What Is Commingling (Commingled) In securities investing, commingling (commingled) is when money from different investors is pooled into one fund. There are many benefits to commingling, including lower fees and access to investments with large buy-ins. The term can also refer to the illegal act of using client money for purposes that they did not

Commissioners Usual Extraordinary Mortality Table Definition

Commissioners Usual Extraordinary Mortality Table Definition

What Is the Commissioners Standard Ordinary Mortality Table? The commissioners standard ordinary mortality table is an actuarial table used to compute the minimum nonforfeiture values of ordinary life insurance policies. The commissioners standard ordinary (CSO) mortality table reflects the probability that people in various age groups will die in a given year. Key Takeaways The