What It Approach in Economics and Regulation, With Examples

What It Approach in Economics and Regulation, With Examples

What Is the Coase Theorem? The Coase Theorem is a legal and economic theory developed by economist Ronald Coase regarding property rights, which states that where there are complete competitive markets with no transaction costs and an efficient set of inputs and outputs, an optimal decision will be selected. It basically asserts that bargaining between

Coaster Definition

Coaster Definition

What Is a Coaster? A coaster is an employee with low ambition and low productivity who does just enough to get by. This type of employee is said to “coast” through their duties by doing the minimum amount of work to keep their position. Key Takeaways A coaster is an employee with low ambition and low

Coattail Investing Definition

Coattail Investing Definition

What Is Coattail Investing? Coattail investing is an investment strategy mimicking the trades of well-known and historically successful investors. By placing these trades, investors “ride the coattails” of respected investors in hopes of making money in their own accounts. Today, through public filings, media coverage, and reports written by fund managers, the average investor can

Codicil Definition

Codicil Definition

What Is a Codicil? A codicil is an addendum of any kind to a will. Codicils can alter, change, add to or subtract from the provisions in the will. They can be used to keep a will and testament current and up to date. A codicil can be used to add, remove, or change provisions