Chartered Insurance plans Professional (CIP) Definition

Chartered Insurance plans Professional (CIP) Definition

What Is the Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) Designation? The Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) designation is an influential professional accreditation within the Canadian property and casualty insurance industry. It is administered by the Insurance Institute of Canada, a non-profit organization headquartered in Toronto, Canada. To obtain the CIP, candidates must complete 10 courses and pass their

What Is a Circuit Breaker in Purchasing and promoting? How Is It Triggered?

What Is a Circuit Breaker in Purchasing and promoting? How Is It Triggered?

What Is a Circuit Breaker? The term “circuit breaker refers” to an emergency-use regulatory measure that temporarily halts trading on an exchange. Circuit breakers attempt to curb in panic-selling and can also be triggered on the way up with manic-buying. They are commonly used for individual securities as well as broad market indexes like the

Circulating Capital Definition

Circulating Capital Definition

What Is Circulating Capital? Circulating capital is money being used for core operations of a company. Circulating capital includes cash, operating expenses, raw materials, inventory in process, finished goods inventory, and accounts receivable. Circulating capital is frequently referred to as working capital or alternatively, revolving capital. Key Takeaways Circulating capital is the money required for

CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa) Definition

CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa) Definition

What Is CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa)? CIVETS is an investing acronym for the countries Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa, which in the late 2000s were widely regarded as the next emerging market economies that would rise quickly during the coming decades. The acronym CIVETS was coined in 2009 at