Categorised Board Definition

Categorised Board Definition

What Is a Classified Board? A classified board is a structure for a company’s board of directors (BOD) in which some directors serve for different term lengths, typically of between one and eight years, depending on their particular classification. Under a classified system, longer terms often awarded to more senior board positions (i.e., the chair

Categorised Insurance plans

Categorised Insurance plans

What Is Classified Insurance Classified insurance is coverage provided to a policyholder that is considered more risky and thus less desirable to the insurer. Classified insurance, also known as substandard insurance, is most commonly associated with life insurance. Key Takeaways Classified insurance is coverage provided to a policyholder that is considered more risky and thus less desirable

Clean Price Definition

Clean Price Definition

What Is the Clean Price? The clean price is the price of a coupon bond not including accrued interest payments. The clean price is typically the quoted price on financial news sites. This price does not include any interest accrued between the scheduled coupon payments for the bond. The opposite of a clean price is

Clean Shares Definition

Clean Shares Definition

What Are Clean Shares? Clean shares are a relatively new class of mutual fund shares. The mutual fund industry introduced clean shares, along with T shares, in response to the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule. This conflict of interest rule was designed to put an end to unscrupulous behavior among brokers and financial advisors, such

Cleantech Definition

Cleantech Definition

What Is Cleantech? In finance, the term cleantech—short for clean technology—is used to refer to various companies and technologies that aim to improve environmental sustainability. Usage of the term has varied over the years, with some users treating it synonymously with terms such as “green technology” to refer to renewable energy sources, new methods of

Clean-Up Requirement Definition

Clean-Up Requirement Definition

What Is a Clean-Up Requirement? A clean-up requirement is a condition that is often written into the contracts of annually renewable lines of credit or revolving lines of credit. Clean-ups aren’t usually required on secured credit cards or lines. A clean-up requirement clause may require the borrower to pay off any outstanding balance on the line of credit