Chargeback Period

Chargeback Period

What Is a Chargeback Period? A chargeback period is the time frame during which a credit card holder can dispute a credit card transaction with a merchant. Disputed charges within the chargeback period typically are credited back to the cardholder while the dispute is resolved. Chargeback periods vary by the payment processor and by transaction

Definition, Have an effect on on Credit score rating Score, and  Remove

Definition, Have an effect on on Credit score rating Score, and Remove

What Is a Charge-Off? A charge-off is a debt, for example on a credit card, that is deemed unlikely to be collected by the creditor because the borrower has become substantially delinquent after a period of time. However, a charge-off does not mean a write-off of the debt entirely. Having a charge-off can mean serious repercussions

Charging Order Definition

Charging Order Definition

What Is a Charging Order? A charging order is a court-authorized lien imposed by a creditor on distributions made from a business entity, such as a limited partnership (LP) or limited liability company (LLC). The debtor, in such a case, will be a member, partner, or the owner of the business entity. The charging order