Cash Basis Loan Definition

Cash Basis Loan Definition

What Is a Cash Basis Loan? A cash basis loan is one in which interest is recorded as earned when payment is collected. Ordinarily, interest income is accrued on loans, as regular payment of both principal and interest is assumed. However, in the case of nonperforming loans (or loans gone bad), continuing payments are doubtful.

Cash Price Definition

Cash Price Definition

What Is a Cash Charge? A cash charge is a charge against a company’s earnings that is accompanied by a cash outflow. Key Takeaways A cash charge is a charge against a company’s earnings that reduces net income and is accompanied by a cash outflow.They are often linked to cash payments facilitating restructuring, downsizing, and general efforts

Cash Commodity Definition

Cash Commodity Definition

What Is a Cash Commodity? A cash commodity is a tangible product to be delivered in exchange for payment and is seen most frequently with futures options. A contract for a cash commodity will specify the exact amount of the commodity which is expected to be delivered, along with the delivery date, and the price.

Cash Focal point and Disbursement (CCD): Definition and Use

Cash Focal point and Disbursement (CCD): Definition and Use

What Is Cash Concentration and Disbursement (CCD)? Cash concentration and disbursement is a type of electronic funds transfer typically used to transfer funds among commercial business accounts. Funds can be consolidated from various locations and so-called concentrated into a single collection account. Funds can also be quickly and easily disbursed to intra-accounts, vendors, or accounts payable

Cash Contract Definition

Cash Contract Definition

What Is a Cash Contract? A cash contract is a financial agreement in which one party agrees to purchase a specified quantity of a commodity on a predetermined date. Unlike futures contracts in which the purchaser often closes out their contract for cash prior to the delivery date, the buyer in a cash contract always