Carrying Value Definition

Carrying Value Definition

What Is a Carrying Charge? A carrying charge is a cost associated with holding a physical commodity or financial instrument. Examples of carrying charges include insurance costs, storage costs, and interest charges on borrowed funds. These costs are also sometimes referred to as an investment’s cost of carry. Since carrying charges increase the cost of

Inventory Dressed in Price Way, Examples, Tips to Lower It

Inventory Dressed in Price Way, Examples, Tips to Lower It

What Is Inventory Carrying Cost? Inventory carrying cost, or holding costs, is an accounting term that identifies all business expenses related to holding and storing unsold goods. The total carrying costs include the related costs of warehousing, salaries, transportation and handling, taxes, and insurance as well as depreciation, shrinkage, and opportunity costs. Key Takeaways Inventory

Carryover Provision Definition

Carryover Provision Definition

What Is a Carryover Provision? A carryover provision—also known as a fourth-quarter deductible carryover—is a clause commonly found in health insurance contracts. The purpose of carryover provisions is to enable policyholders to reduce their out-of-pocket expenses in the following year by applying a portion of the current year’s claims against the next year’s deductible. Typically

Carte Blanche Definition

Carte Blanche Definition

What Is Carte Blanche? “Carte blanche” is a French term that means “blank document.” Carte blanche is commonly used in English to refer to a check that has been signed but does not have a dollar amount written in. The recipient of such a check then writes in whatever dollar amount he wants or needs.