Captive Fund Definition

Captive Fund Definition

What Is a Captive Fund? A captive fund is a private pooled investment fund that is managed for a select group of investors or in affiliation with a single entity. It is often created for the benefit of an organization’s members or a firm’s employees. These funds are “captive” since they are limited in who

Captive Insurance policy Company: Understanding What It Manner

Captive Insurance policy Company: Understanding What It Manner

What Is a Captive Insurance Company? A captive insurance company is a wholly owned subsidiary insurer formed to provide risk mitigation services for its parent company or related entities. Companies form “captives” for various reasons, such as when: The parent company cannot find a suitable outside firm to insure it against particular business risks The premiums

Colorado Potato Beetle Controls – Harvest to Table

Colorado Potato Beetle Controls – Harvest to Table

Colorado potato beetle The Colorado potato beetle attacks potatoes, eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes skeletonizing leaves and defoliating plants. Horticultural cloth draped over plants will exclude beetles from reaching plants to lay eggs and feed, diatomaceous earth will destroy larvae, and the botanical poisons pyrethrum and rotenone can kill heavy infestations of adult beetles. However, where