Bre-X Minerals Ltd. Definition

Bre-X Minerals Ltd. Definition

What Was Bre-X Minerals Ltd.? Bre-X Minerals Ltd., often referred to simply as Bre-X, was a Canadian gold mining company that infamously defrauded investors by falsifying gold samples and misstating its available gold reserves. From a peak valuation of over $6 billion Canadian dollars (CAD), Bre-X’s shares collapsed and the company soon filed for bankruptcy.

Bribe Definition

Bribe Definition

What Is a Bribe? A bribe is an illegal act involving the exchange of something of value, such as money, with the purpose of influencing the behavior of public officials. Key Takeaways A bribe occurs when one entity illegally offers money or something else of value to sway or influence some decision or process.Bribes are

BRIC ETF Definition

BRIC ETF Definition

What Is a BRIC ETF? A BRIC ETF is an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests in stocks and listed securities associated with the countries of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, otherwise known as the BRIC nations, usually through local stock exchanges or with American and global depositary receipts (GDRs). These funds are passively managed, meaning that the

Brick-and-Mortar Stores: Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Brick-and-Mortar Stores: Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages

What Is Brick-and-Mortar? The term “brick-and-mortar” refers to a traditional street-side business that offers products and services to its customers face-to-face in an office or store that the business owns or rents. The local grocery store and the corner bank are examples of brick-and-mortar companies. Brick-and-mortar businesses have found it difficult to compete with web-based