What It Is and How To Assemble One

What It Is and How To Assemble One

What Is Brand Identity? Brand identity is the visible elements of a brand, such as color, design, and logo, that identify and distinguish the brand in consumers’ minds. Brand identity is distinct from brand image. The former corresponds to the intent behind the branding and the way a company does the following—all to cultivate a certain image in consumers’ minds:

What It Is, and Learn how to Assemble It

What It Is, and Learn how to Assemble It

As Harvard Business Review (HBR) has reported, companies with high scores on two often-overlooked (and closely related) market research metrics—brand loyalty and customer loyalty—not only grow revenues 2.5 times faster than industry peers, but also deliver two to five times the returns to shareholders over 10-year time frames. The fact that brand loyalty—a long-term commitment

Brand Piracy Definition

Brand Piracy Definition

What Is Brand Piracy? Brand piracy occurs when a product features a name or logo similar to another well-known brand or product. It is common among products that are easily replicated, and consumers will often mistake a counterfeit product for the original brand name. Brand piracy occurs because companies attempt to take market share from their more popular competitors. Brand