Semi-Deviation Definition

Semi-Deviation Definition

What Is Semi-Deviation? Semi-deviation is a method of measuring the below-mean fluctuations in the returns on investment. Semi-deviation will reveal the worst-case performance to be expected from a risky investment. Semi-deviation is an alternative measurement to standard deviation or variance. However, unlike those measures, semi-deviation looks only at negative price fluctuations. Thus, semi-deviation is most

What Is a Semi-Secured Credit score ranking Card? Benefits and Risks

What Is a Semi-Secured Credit score ranking Card? Benefits and Risks

A semi-secured, or partially secured, credit card requires you to back the card with a deposit before you receive credit. But in contrast to a secured credit card, the credit limit granted may exceed the required deposit. So the deposit helps to limit the card issuer’s risk but doesn’t eliminate it altogether. A semi-secured card can provide a credit line