Behavioral Price range Definition

Behavioral Price range Definition

What Are Behavioral Funds? Behavioral funds are a category of mutual funds that use behavioral finance as a basis for their investment strategy. Managers of behavioral funds believe that human behavior leads to certain market inefficiencies. Investors can take advantage of these market inefficiencies to get a superior return. Behavioral funds are seeing increased interest

Behaviorist Definition

Behaviorist Definition

What Is a Behaviorist? A behaviorist is an adherent of the theories of behavioral economics and finance, which hold that investors and other market participants neither behave in a rational manner nor in their own best interests. Investing decisions, like all human activity, are subject to a complicated mix of emotion, environment, and bias. The

Behavioral Modeling Definition

Behavioral Modeling Definition

What is Behavioral Modeling? Behavioral modeling is an approach used by companies to better understand and predict consumer actions. Behavioral modeling uses available consumer and business spending data to estimate future behavior in specific circumstances. Behavioral modeling is used by financial institutions to estimate the risk associated with providing funds to an individual or business

Beige E book Definition

Beige E book Definition

What Is the Beige Book? The Beige Book is a report produced and published by the Federal Reserve. The report, referred to formally as the Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions, is a qualitative review of economic conditions. The Beige Book is published eight times each year before meetings held by the Federal Open

Stomach Up Definition

Stomach Up Definition

What Is Belly Up? “Belly up” is an idiomatic expression in American English used to describe a business, organization, or institution that has ceased to exist or gone bankrupt. The phrase is a metaphor comparing the business in question to dead fish or another animal that has floated to the top of a body of

Under Par

Under Par

What Is Below Par? Below par is a term describing a bond whose market price is trading below its face value or principal value, usually $1,000. Bonds are debt instruments that are usually issued by corporations and governments to raise money. When an investor purchases a bond, the price paid for it is called the

Definition and Use in Advertising and marketing

Definition and Use in Advertising and marketing

What Is Below-the-Line Advertising? Below-the-line advertising is an advertising strategy where products are promoted in media other than mainstream radio, television, billboards, print, and film formats. The main types of below-the-line advertising systems include direct mail campaigns, social media marketing, trade shows, catalogs, and targeted search engine marketing. Below-the-line advertising methods tend to be less expensive and