What Is 1250 Property, Taxation, and Example

What Is 1250 Property, Taxation, and Example

What Is Section 1250? Section 1250 of the United States Internal Revenue Code is a rule establishing that the IRS will tax a gain from the sale of depreciated real property as ordinary income if the accumulated depreciation exceeds the depreciation calculated with the straight-line method. Section 1250 bases the amount of tax due on the property type—on whether it

Segment 988 Definition

Segment 988 Definition

What Is Section 988? IRC Section 988 is a tax regulation governing capital losses or gains on investments held in a foreign (nonfunctional) currency. A Section 988 transaction relates to Section 988(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, which went into effect after Dec. 31, 1986. Key Takeaways Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code  describes

SEC Form S-11

SEC Form S-11

What Is SEC Form S-11? SEC Form S-11 is a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that is used to register securities for real estate investment trusts (REITs). The business of REITs is to acquire, hold, and often manage real estate for the purpose of investment income and capital appreciation. Modeled after mutual

SEC Form S-2 Definition

SEC Form S-2 Definition

What Was SEC Form S-2? The Securities and Exchange Commission Form S-2 was a regulatory form of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that served as a simplified registration for the offering of new securities. An SEC filing is a financial statement or other formal document submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The form was phased out