Availability Agenda

Availability Agenda

What Is an Availability Schedule? In banking, the term availability schedule refers to the period required for the funds from a deposited check to become available to the recipient. During the time in which the funds are unavailable, they are referred to as being on hold. Key Takeaways The availability schedule is the length of

To be had-for-Sale Securities: Definition, vs. Held-for-Buying and selling

To be had-for-Sale Securities: Definition, vs. Held-for-Buying and selling

What Is an Available-for-Sale Security? An available-for-sale security (AFS) is a debt or equity security purchased with the intent of selling before it reaches maturity or holding it for a long period should it not have a maturity date. Accounting standards necessitate that companies classify any investments in debt or equity securities when they are purchased

To be had Budget Definition

To be had Budget Definition

What Are Available Funds? Available funds are money in a bank account that is accessible for immediate use. In other words, it represents the total amount of capital that can be withdrawn at an automated teller machine (ATM), used to make purchases with a debit card, write a check, transfer money and pay bills. An account holder’s

Avalize Definition

Avalize Definition

What Is Avalize? To avalize is the act of having a third party (usually a bank or lending institution) guarantee the obligations of a buyer to a seller per the terms of a contract, such as a promissory note or purchase agreement. The bank, by “avalizing” the document (usually “by aval” will be written on