Attained Age Definition

Attained Age Definition

What Is Attained Age? Attained age is the age at which the beneficiary of an insurance policy or retirement plan (or another age-dependent plan) can receive benefits or withdraw funds. Attained age can be any age at which benefits are received. In some cases, the person may have to take action when they reach the attained

Attest Carrier Definition

Attest Carrier Definition

What Is an Attestation Service? An attest service, or attestation service, is an independent review of a company’s financial statement conducted by a certified public accountant (CPA). The CPA delivers an attestation report with conclusions about the reliability of the data. The standards for attestation services are developed and published by a professional services group

Lawyer’s Letter Definition

Lawyer’s Letter Definition

What Is an Attorney’s Letter? An attorney’s letter is a formal business letter sent by a certified public accountant (CPA) to a client’s attorney. The attorney’s letter verifies the information sent by the management of a company pertaining to pending litigation of the company. The purpose of the attorney’s letter is to inform and certify

What Is Attrition in Industry? That means, Varieties, and Advantages

What Is Attrition in Industry? That means, Varieties, and Advantages

What Is Attrition in Business? The term attrition refers to a gradual but deliberate reduction in staff numbers that occurs as employees leave a company and are not replaced. It is commonly used to describe the downsizing of a firm’s employee pool by human resources (HR) professionals. In this case, downsizing is voluntary, where employees

Public sale Fee Definition

Public sale Fee Definition

What Is Auction Rate? Auction rate is the interest rate that will be paid on a specific security as determined by a Dutch auction process. Key Takeaways An auction rate is an interest rate paid on a specific security as determined by a Dutch auction process.The U.S. Treasury runs auctions to help determine the interest