Arab League

Arab League

Member Nations of the Arab League Algeria (1962)  Jordan* Oman (1971) Syria* Bahrain (1971) Kuwait (1961) Palestine (1976) Tunisia (1958) Comoros (1993) Lebanon*  Qatar (1971) United Arab Emirates (1971) Djibouti (1977) Libya (1953) Saudi Arabia*  Yemen* Egypt*  Mauritania (1973) Somalia (1974) Iraq* Morocco (1958) Sudan (1956) Source: Council on Foreign Relations *denotes a founding member state There are four nations

Arbitrage Bond Definition

Arbitrage Bond Definition

What Is an Arbitrage Bond? An arbitrage bond refers to the refinancing of a municipality’s higher interest rate bond with a lower interest rate bond prior to the higher interest rate bond’s call date. Key Takeaways An arbitrage bond is the refinancing of a municipality’s higher interest rate bond with a lower interest rate bond

Arbitration Definition

Arbitration Definition

What Is Arbitration? Arbitration is a mechanism for resolving disputes between investors and brokers, or between brokers. It is overseen by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and the decisions are final and binding. Arbitration is distinct from mediation, in which parties negotiate to reach a voluntary settlement, and decisions are not binding unless all



What Is Archipelago? Archipelago was an electronic communications network (ECN) that merged with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in 2006 to become the NYSE Arca Exchange. ECNs allow for automated trading, passive order matching, after-hours trading, and instantaneous order execution. Archipelago, created in 1996, was one of the first ECNs and a precursor to

Architects and Engineers (A&E) Legal responsibility Protection Definition

Architects and Engineers (A&E) Legal responsibility Protection Definition

What Is Architects and Engineers (A&E) Liability Coverage? As its name suggests, architects and engineers (A&E) liability coverage is a type of insurance policy designed to protect architects and engineers. Specifically, it provides coverage for potential damages relating to construction delays, structural damages, and other potentially costly risks. Although A&E liability coverage is designed with