ARM Margin Definition

ARM Margin Definition

What Is ARM Margin? The ARM margin is a fixed percentage rate that is added to an indexed (variable) rate to determine the fully indexed interest rate of an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM). ARMs are one of the most common variable-rate credit products offered in the primary lending market. Key Takeaways ARM margin is the amount

Arraignment Definition

Arraignment Definition

What Is an Arraignment? Arraignment is a court proceeding in which the defendant is read the charges in the indictment, and is asked to enter a plea. The arraignment occurs after the defendant is arrested and formal charges are levied. Understanding Arraignment Court cases typically move through a series of stages before being considered closed.



Definition of Arrearage An amount on a loan, cumulative preferred stock or any credit instrument that is overdue. Arrearage is also referred to as “arrears”. Breaking Down Arrearage In the case of a preferred dividend, if the company does not pay the dividend to its shareholders, that dividend income accumulates. This means that in the

Vital different Planting and Tomatoes – Harvest to Table

Vital different Planting and Tomatoes – Harvest to Table

Tomatoes and marigolds Want to enhance the flavor or your tomatoes? Grow leaf lettuce, chives, or marigolds nearby. The notion behind companion planting is that some plants naturally grow better together, that they form natural alliances. How such alliances work is not completely clear; companion planting is based widely on reported observation. Tomato companion plants—said