Inexpensive Marketplace Price (AMV) Definition

Inexpensive Marketplace Price (AMV) Definition

What Is Affordable Market Value (AMV)? The term affordable market value (AMV) refers to the sale price of a multifamily residential housing unit sold through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) Affordable Housing Program (AHP). The AHP encourages housing developers to purchase multifamily real estate held by the FDIC. Owners are responsible for providing units

African Construction Financial institution (ADB) Definition

African Construction Financial institution (ADB) Definition

What Is the African Development Bank? The African Development Bank (ADB) is a financial institution that funds projects that promote economic and social progress throughout the continent. The bank is also known as Banque Africaine de Développement. The bank has 54 member states among the African nations and 26 non-African member states. Key Takeaways The

After-Received Clause Definition

After-Received Clause Definition

What Is an After-Acquired Clause? An after-acquired clause is a provision included in legal contracts ensuring that subsequent acquisitions of assets will be included in the debtor’s liability to the lender. It is sometimes also referred to as the “after-acquired property clause.” Key Takeaways An after-acquired clause is a provision in legal contracts to account

Working out Aftermarket Portions and Automobile Insurance coverage

Working out Aftermarket Portions and Automobile Insurance coverage

What are Aftermarket Parts? Aftermarket parts are replacement parts that are not made by the original equipment manufacturer. Aftermarket parts are used to replace damaged parts in automobiles and other equipment, but their use may alter the coverage of an insured item. They are similar to generic pharmaceuticals in that they are cheaper than brand

After-Gross sales Carrier Strengthen: Examples and Perfect Practices

After-Gross sales Carrier Strengthen: Examples and Perfect Practices

What Is After-Sales Service Support? After-sales support, sometimes called after-sales service, is any service provided after a customer has purchased a product. After-sales support may be provided by a retailer, manufacturer, or a third-party customer service or training provider. Typically, examples of after-sales service include support regarding warranty service, training, or repair and upgrades. After-sales

After-Tax Contribution: Definition, Regulations, and Limits

After-Tax Contribution: Definition, Regulations, and Limits

What Is an After-Tax Contribution? An after-tax contribution is money paid into a retirement or investment account after income taxes on those earnings have already been deducted. When opening a tax-advantaged retirement account, an individual may choose to defer the income taxes owed until after retiring, if it is a traditional retirement account, or pay