Acid-Take a look at Ratio Definition: Which means that, Parts, and Example

Acid-Take a look at Ratio Definition: Which means that, Parts, and Example

What Is the Acid-Test Ratio? The acid-test ratio, commonly known as the quick ratio, uses a firm’s balance sheet data as an indicator of whether it has sufficient short-term assets to cover its short-term liabilities. Key Takeaways The acid-test, or quick ratio, compares a company’s most short-term assets to its most short-term liabilities to see if

Acorn Collective Definition

Acorn Collective Definition

What Was the Acorn Collective? The Acorn Collective was an attempt to build a blockchain crowdfunding platform with a native cryptocurrency, OAK. The cryptocurrency project was founded by Moritz Kurtz and Peter-Andreas Kurtz in 2017. The project was active until March 2019, when it ceased operations: shorty after receiving funding in the first round of

Acquiree Definition

Acquiree Definition

What Is an Acquiree? An acquiree is a company that is purchased in a merger or acquisition. In a takeover scenario, the acquiree is also known as a “target firm.” Key Takeaways An acquiree, also known as a target firm, is a company that is purchased under a corporate acquisition.Acquirees drive a hard bargain and will seldom

Acquirer Definition

Acquirer Definition

What Is an Acquirer? An acquirer is a company that obtains the rights to another company or business relationship through a deal. These deals are usually mergers or acquisitions, but can also be other structured agreements. Acquirers buy out a company and take over their ownership typically through a purchase of a large portion of

What Is an Acquisition? Definition, That implies, Sorts, and Examples

What Is an Acquisition? Definition, That implies, Sorts, and Examples

What Is an Acquisition? An acquisition is when one company purchases most or all of another company’s shares to gain control of that company. Purchasing more than 50% of a target firm’s stock and other assets allows the acquirer to make decisions about the newly acquired assets without the approval of the company’s other shareholders. Acquisitions