What Is the Computerized Purchaser Account Transfer Provider (ACATS)?

What Is the Computerized Purchaser Account Transfer Provider (ACATS)?

What Is the Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS)? The Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS) is a system that facilitates the transfer of securities from one trading account to another at a different brokerage firm or bank. The National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) developed the ACATS system, replacing the previous manual asset transfer system

What Is It, One of the simplest ways to Calculate It

What Is It, One of the simplest ways to Calculate It

What Is Accelerated Depreciation? Accelerated depreciation is any method of depreciation used for accounting or income tax purposes that allows greater depreciation expenses in the early years of the life of an asset. Accelerated depreciation methods, such as double-declining balance (DDB), means there will be higher depreciation expenses in the first few years and lower

Abbreviated New Drug Submission (ANDS) Definition

Abbreviated New Drug Submission (ANDS) Definition

What Is an Abbreviated New Drug Submission (ANDS)? An Abbreviated New Drug Submission (ANDS) is a written request to Health Canada to obtain marketing approval for a generic drug. An Abbreviated New Drug Submission must be approved by Health Canada, the country’s federal department in charge of national health care, under Canada’s Food and Drug Regulations, before

Way and Advantages Defined with Example

Way and Advantages Defined with Example

What Is Activity-Based Costing (ABC)? Activity-based costing (ABC) is a costing method that assigns overhead and indirect costs to related products and services. This accounting method of costing recognizes the relationship between costs, overhead activities, and manufactured products, assigning indirect costs to products less arbitrarily than traditional costing methods. However, some indirect costs, such as

Definition, History, and Shinzo Abe’s 3 Arrows

Definition, History, and Shinzo Abe’s 3 Arrows

What is Abenomics? Abenomics is the nickname for the economic policies set out for Japan in 2012 when prime minister Shinzo Abe came into power for a second time. Abenomics involved increasing the nation’s money supply, boosting government spending, and enacting reforms to make the Japanese economy more competitive. The Economist outlined the program as a “mix

Abeyance Definition

Abeyance Definition

What Is Abeyance? Abeyance is a situation in which the rightful owner of a property, office or title has not yet been decided. Key Takeaways Abeyance is when the rightful owner of a property or trust has not been decided or has not met the obligations required to inherit the property, such as age or