52-Week Range Definition

52-Week Range Definition

What Is the 52-Week Range? The 52-week range is a data point traditionally reported by printed financial news media, but more modernly included in data feeds from financial information sources online. The data point includes the lowest and highest price at which a stock has traded during the previous 52 weeks. Investors use this information

8(a) Company Definition

8(a) Company Definition

What is an 8(a) Firm? An 8(a) firm is a small business that is owned and operated by socially and economically disadvantaged citizens and that has been accepted into the 8(a) Business Development Program. This program is administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA), the United States agency charged with supporting the growth and development of

Definition, How It Works, Examples

Definition, How It Works, Examples

What Is the 90/10 Strategy? Legendary investor Warren Buffett invented the “90/10″ investing strategy for the investment of retirement savings. The method involves deploying 90% of one’s investment capital into stock-based index funds while allocating the remaining 10% of money toward lower-risk investments. This system aims to generate higher yields in the overall portfolio over

90-Day Letter

90-Day Letter

DEFINITION of 90-Day Letter 90-Day Letter is an IRS notice stating that there was a discrepancy or error within an individual’s taxes and they will be assessed unless petitioned. The taxpayer has 90 days to respond, otherwise the audit deficiencies will result in reassessment. Also known as a Notice of Deficiency.  BREAKING DOWN 90-Day Letter Once you