What It Is, Contribution Limits, Withdrawal Regulations

What It Is, Contribution Limits, Withdrawal Regulations

What Is a 401(a) Plan? A 401(a) plan is an employer-sponsored money-purchase retirement plan that allows dollar or percentage-based contributions from the employer, the employee, or both. The sponsoring employer establishes eligibility and the vesting schedule. The employee can withdraw funds from a 401(a) plan through a rollover to a different qualified retirement plan, a lump-sum payment, or

3P Oil Reserves Definition

3P Oil Reserves Definition

What Are 3P Oil Reserves? 3P oil reserves are the total amount of reserves that a company estimates having access to, calculated as the sum of all proven and unproven reserves. The 3Ps stand for proven, probable, and possible reserves. The oil industry breaks unproven reserves into two segments: those based on geological and engineering

Bloodworm jaws are stuffed with secrets and techniques to sustainability

Bloodworm jaws are stuffed with secrets and techniques to sustainability

Having sturdy jaws is essential for the small marine creatures known as bloodworms.  The worms, which grow to about 15 inches in length, spend their lives burrowing through the muddy seafloor and hunting small crustaceans, molluscs, and other worms.  “They need their jaws to kill the more active prey,” says Herbert Waite, a marine biochemist