Picture gallery of caterpillar mimicry and diversifications

Picture gallery of caterpillar mimicry and diversifications

CATERPILLARS ARE masters of deception. Some imitate sticks and leaves to avoid becoming lunch. Others flash bright colors to convey their toxic nature. A few even wave pumped-up limbs to frighten foes. Despite such impressive maneuvers, humans tend to overlook these wee wonders. But they rarely escape the eye of Samuel Jaffe, an entomologist who’s

First International locations lead a success caribou restoration challenge

First International locations lead a success caribou restoration challenge

Despite federal and provincial recovery efforts, caribou herds have been declining rapidly across Canada. The country has lost a dozen herds within the last two decades, and many others are at the brink of extirpation. But the Klinse-Za mountain caribou in British Columbia has broken from the trend.  A recent study published in the journal