Do birds have a way of scent?

Do birds have a way of scent?

The following is an excerpt from The Secret Perfume of Birds: Uncovering the Science of Avian Scent by Danielle J. Whittaker. Copyright 2022. Published with permission by Johns Hopkins University Press. “Birds don’t have a sense of smell, so I don’t understand why you’d study that anyway.” This extraordinary statement, expressed offhandedly by neurobiologist Dr. Jim Goodson while we

Scientists examine that squirrels are superb gymnasts

Scientists examine that squirrels are superb gymnasts

Interest in squirrels have become increasingly popular in the past few years, especially during the pandemic. Due to the lack of human-to-human interaction, some turned to their dexterous backyard neighbors for entertainment.  In fact, if you search “squirrel obstacle course” you’ll find a plethora of videos—some with over 75 million views—documenting the jumps, leaps, and

There is a tarantula parasite named after Jeff Daniels

There is a tarantula parasite named after Jeff Daniels

Like many wormy discoveries, this one started with murder. In 2019, a parasitology lab at the University of California, Riverside, was tipped off by a breeder whose tarantulas were ravaged by a mysterious infection. Side effects included “lethargy, anorexia, and tip-toe behavior,” along with “a white discharge in the oral cavities,” according to the researchers’

How do tardigrades switch up to now? Snail slime, most likely.

How do tardigrades switch up to now? Snail slime, most likely.

The tiny, mighty tardigrade can tough out the most extreme environments, surviving in oceans, Antarctic glaciers, lava fields, sand dunes, and, more famously, space. Fondly known as “water bears,” “moss piglets,” and “hardy tardies,” these millimeter-long invertebrates have been found in nearly every habitat on Earth, even nestling in mossy beds or the damp soil