Bean Vocabulary and Terms for Gardeners

Beans green and yellow classification
Bean classification Beans may also be divided into two number one groups those that can be eaten pod and all and those that are dried

Beans are legumes whose seeds or pods are eaten, alternatively don’t seem to be categorized as peas or lentils (which can also be moreover legumes). For the document, legumes are crops with double-seamed pods containing a single row of seeds.

Beans may also be divided into two number one groups: those that can be eaten pod and all, referred to as green or snap beans, and others which might be shelled for their seeds and eaten each contemporary or dried, referred to as shell or dried beans.

Green beans are the immature pods of necessarily probably the most refined bean varieties. Green beans are fleshy and completely suitable for eating.

Green beans are regularly known as snap beans on account of the sound their contemporary pods make when broken in 1/2. Green beans are referred to as string beans if they’ve a fibrous string that runs down the aspect. Most present green beans are stringless.

There are dozens of types of green beans. Green beans are necessarily probably the most widely planted bean type. Green beans include the haricot vert, scarlet runner bean, winged, and yard-long bean. Snap beans don’t seem to be at all times green. They can also be yellow or purple. Yellow snap beans are at some point referred to as wax beans for their waxy color.

Beans that expand earlier the sophisticated pod level to maturity may also be picked for merely the seed within. Beans grown for their seeds to be eaten contemporary or dried are referred to as shell beans or shellies.

Contemporary shell beans are beans that swell throughout the pod to their maximum period alternatively have no longer however started to dry. Shell beans eaten contemporary quicker than they dry include the azuki, butterbean, chickpea, cranberry, fava, flageolet, lima, scarlet runner, soybean, winged, and yard-long bean.

Dry beans are beans left to mature and then dry on the vine. The seeds of dried beans are regularly known as soup beans. Dry beans are shelled and then generally soaked in water quicker than cooking. Dry beans include the black or turtle bean, Great Northern, kidney, cannellini, army, pinto, purple, and white bean.

A glossary of specific bean varieties and broader bean classifications:

Vigna flower flower of the Azuki bean
Vigna flower flower of the Azuki bean

Azuki Bean or Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis): small, quite sq. bean shelled at plump green level or allowed to dry on the vine and shelled; small purple bean dried. Rather sweet tasting. Used by Chinese language language and Eastern cooks in steamed rice dishes. Also used to make purple bean paste. Annual native to Asia and related to the southern pea. Pods expand 4 to 5 inches (10-12.5 cm) long. Requires 120 warmth emerging days. Mountaineering bean.

Black Bean or Turtle Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): medium-size, jet-black dried bean used in Latin American and Caribbean cuisines. Earthy, meaty style and a mealy texture. Used in soups, stews, salads, and bean dips; served with pork, rice, and greens. See Dry and Horticultural Beans.

Bush Bean: is a bean emerging period of time. Bush beans are determinate crops, which means that they expand to a certain period and then blossom, fruit, and then prevent emerging. Bush beans expand in a bush-like form to about 15-24 inches (38-60 cm) tall. Bush beans produce suitable for eating pods within 60 days and the harvest generally lasts merely two or 3 weeks. After two or 3 heavy pickings, bush beans are finished. They’re going to then transfer into decline at which period they can be pulled up and composted.

Butterbean or Sieva, Civet, or Seewee Bean (Phaseolus lunatus): a creamy yellow (butter-colored) bean similar to a lima bean alternatively smaller. Blotched seeds turn dark when cooked. Stylish throughout the South. Mountaineering bean.

Chick pea or Garbanzo Bean (Cicer arietinum): fast, swollen pods about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long come with 1 or 2 wrinkled buff-colored seeds. Seeds have an organization texture and nutty style. Use raw in soups, stews, and salads, and roasted and eaten as a snack. Sometimes called ceci. At the beginning from southeastern Asia they are a staple in Mediterranean world places and India. Rich in protein and starch. Look further like vetch than peas or beans. Want dry heat. Bush bean.

Cranberry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): plump, whitish-green pods with wine-colored streaks expand to about 3 inches (7.5 cm) long and ½ inch (1.3 cm) vast. Shelled beans can are mottled with reddish markings. Use contemporary or dried. Add to stews and soups, in particular Italian minestrone, or boil and serve as an aspect dish. Style paying homage to chestnuts.

Dry and Horticultural Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris): eaten green or dried for wintry weather use; beans advanced for green or dry shelled seeds; bred to be shelled when their massive seeds achieve whole period. Believed to be the ancestors of snap beans. More youthful pods may also be eaten as snap beans. Many types range in color from white to yellow, purple, purple, brown, speckled and black; some is also splashed with pink or maroon. Best known dry beans are kidney, pinto, army, and black turtle beans. Seldom grown in area gardens since they are moderately priced commercially grown. The French flageolet is a horticultural bean grown in area gardens.

Fava Bean or Huge Bean (Vicia faba): massive, flattened, delicate green pods expand 6 to 12 inches (15-30 cm) long and have a white-woolly lining. Consume all of the pods raw when half-grown with oil and salt or cooked like snap beans. Older pods are shelled; rainy green beans within must be peeled. Add to soups and stews or dress with butter or oil; serve cold as a salad dressed with vinaigrette. Require 70 days which might be cool alternatively frost free. Harvest in late spring and early summer time. Some is also allergic to the mature seed. Bush bean requires give a boost to.

Flageolet (Phaseolus vulgaris): small, creamy-white to pale-green seeds of a thin, flat, French shell bean with inedible green pod; pods expand to about 3 inches (7.5 cm) long. More than a few haricot bean advanced in France in 1872. Braise or add to soups and stews or eat cold as a salad with lemon and oil. Available dried.

Great Northern Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): medium to large, flat, kidney-shaped, white shell bean with mild style. Used dried in soups, stews, baked bean dishes, and salads.

Green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): suitable for eating long, narrow green pod bean, regularly referred to as string bean on account of a fibrous string that runs down the aspect. Stylish hybrids are stringless.

Haricot Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): fundamental period of time for a wide variety of beans that originated in The U.S. and delivered to Europe throughout the sixteenth century, along side the purple kidney bean and predecessor of the flageolet. Haricot incessantly refers specifically to the small white bean used for baked beans.

Haricot Vert (Phaseolus vulgaris): the French phrase for “green bean.” A narrow (⅛ inch/0.3 cm in diameter) stringless bean, sweet and mild, with very small seeds. Use contemporary: steam in short then sauté in butter or oil or steam and dress with vinaigrette and serve chilled or at room temperature. Sometimes called French green bean and French bean.

Kidney Bean or Cannellini Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): kidney-shaped bean of a common shell bean, each purple or white skinned with cream-colored flesh and bland style. White kidney beans are referred to as cannellini beans. Meaty style and mealy texture. Use in salads and in simmered dishes similar to soups, stews, and chili. Assists in keeping shape and texture cooked.

Lentil (Lens ensculenta); flat, disk-like seeds of a leguminous plant used dried. A lentil is not specifically a bean alternatively is incessantly lumped with beans. Lentils are to be had in more than a few styles and sizes. Puy lentil has a dark green pores and pores and skin with blue marbling. The orange lentil, regularly referred to as Egyptian lentil, is a dehusked brown lentil. Green lentil, regularly referred to as continental lentil, is bigger and relatively flatter. Dhal or dal is the full Hindi period of time for lentils. Add to soups and stews; boil until refined, drain and dress with vinaigrette for a cold salad; or boil until refined, drain and reheat with oil, butter, or bacon fat for an aspect dish.

Lima Bean or Butter Bean (Phaseolus lunatus): massive, flat, kidney-shaped, light-green seeds that mature to creamy-yellow may also be eaten raw after shelling; waxy texture. Also used dried. Add to soups and stews; or boil until refined, drain and dress with vinaigrette and serve as salad. Higher than butter beans alternatively incessantly crossed with butter beans.

The lima bean is regularly known as Madagascar bean. Native to Peru and named after the capital there, alternatively pronounced “LY-muh.” Every mountain mountaineering and bush forms.

Mung Bean or Green Gram (Vigna radiata): small cylindrical olive-green seed used maximum repeatedly for sprouting (suitable for eating bean sprouts) or for grinding to bean meal; green pods can be used as snap beans or mixed with green seeds shelled from completely grown pods. Bean is usually green however as well as brown and black varieties. Appreciated in Indian, Chinese language language, and Asian cookery. Narrow-podded relative of southern peas. Tolerate best heat and humidity and require a prolonged, warmth emerging season. Bush type.

Army Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): small, oval, kidney-shaped white bean; a haricot bean. Use in soups, stews, baked beans, or marinated in salads. The determine is believed to have come from its importance to the army’s shipboard kitchen stock. Sometimes called Boston bean and Yankee bean.

Pinto Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris): medium-sized, flat, oval seed, purple to beige with mottled brown spots; more than a few kidney bean. The determine in Spanish manner “painted” or “spotted.” Dried and used in southwestern and Mexican soups, stews, and chilis. Creamy texture when cooked; delicious puréed. Native to India where it is known as toor dal. Sometimes called crabeye bean and purple Mexican bean.

Pole Bean: is a bean that grows on a vine which must be trained vertically on a pole or trellis. Pole beans expand in short into massive, full-bodied crops. The ones crops produce in about 60 days and will bear for a lot of weeks. More youthful pole bean pods must be picked regularly so that the plant will keep productive. The ones crops are categorized as indeterminate, on account of their period and length of harvest vary.

Pink Snap Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): a snap bean with a velvety pores and pores and skin which is dark, dark purple. When cooked, this bean turns green.

Crimson Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): a medium-sized, kidney-shaped bean with a dark purple pores and pores and skin and flesh. Used dry.

Scarlet Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus): flat, massive, green pod and small red-streaked beige-colored seeds with purple and black markings; an identical alternatively further flavorful than the snap bean. Steam and serve scorching with butter or oil, or cold with vinaigrette. Add to soups or mixed vegetable salads. Harvest when pods are 3 to 4 inches (7.5-10 cm) long quicker than strings build up in pods. Plant seems like a pole snap beans with scarlet plant lifestyles. Mountaineering or “runner” bean requires pole or fence; has colourful scarlet plant lifestyles. Regularly known as Green Bean, Italian Romano Bean, Stick Bean.

Snap Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): bean harvested while immature and pod is suitable for eating. Snap beans include green or string bean, Italian Romano bean, yellow wax bean, and the purple-podded bean. Pods range from 5 to 12 inches (12.5-30 cm) long and are oval, round, or massive and flat and green, yellow (wax beans), or purple. Most are stringless; heirloom varieties have strings and fiber. Use steamed, braised, sautéed, stir-fried, or pickeled. Use in soups or mixed vegetable aggregate. Bush and pole varieties.

Soybean or Soya Bean (Glycine max): pods are tan to black with soft outer fuzz; two to 4 beans within from pea to cherry sized, may also be purple, yellow, green, brown, black, or mottled. May also be harvested green or left to dry; require soaking for a lot of hours and cooking for 4 hours to be digestible; dry seeds are black or yellow. Use as you’ll be able to lima beans or fava beans; shell and boil very similar to English peas. Native to eastern Asia; require 120 warmth, frost free days to mature.

White Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): a generic period of time for ivory-white skinned kidngey-shaped beans; subtle bland style. Sorts include marrow bean, great Northern bean, army bean, and pea bean. Sometimes called white army bean, pea bean, or haricot. Used in baked beans.

Winged Bean (Psophocrapus tetragonolobus): green, purple or reddish pods to 9 inches (22.5 cm) long with 4 fluted wings along the duration. Suitable for eating pods are best in protein with a style similar to the cranberry bean and a starchy green bean texture; pods may also be steamed; roast ripe or dry seeds to cause them to digestible. Native to the Earlier World tropics; does no longer fruit until early fall and requires frost-free harvest length. Mountaineering type.

Yard-long Bean or Asparagus Bean or Chinese language language Long Bean (Vigna unguiculata): thin, green pods 18 to 24 inches (45-60 cm) long may also be eaten like a snap bean or shelled. Use contemporary in stir-fries or steamed. Rather milder than a snap bean with a crunchier texture. Mountaineering bean.

Yellow Snap Bean or Wax Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): a snap bean with a yellow color and quite waxy texture.

Emerging beans pointers: Learn the way to Increase Beans.

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