Crops which will also be heavy feeders and require additional soil nutrients will also be became round with delicate feeders and soil-enriching crops, very similar to legumes.
Pest and sickness problems will also be minimized thru not planting participants of the equivalent plant family in equivalent part of the garden more than once every 3 or 4 years.
Pointers for Crop Rotation
Listed below are the important thing vegetable plant families and suggestions for crop rotation:
Onion Family, Amaryllidaceae: Garlic, onions, leeks, shallots. The ones are delicate feeders. Plant onion family crops after heavy feeders. Follow onion family crops with legumes.
Cabbage Family, Brassicaceae (Cruciferae): Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese language language cabbage, collards, cress, kale, kohlrabi, radishes, turnips. The ones are heavy feeders. Plant cabbage family crops after legumes. After cabbage family crops assemble the soil for a season with a cover crop or soil building compost or let the sector sit down down fallow for a season after applying well-aged manure.
Lettuce Family, Asteraceae (Compositae): Artichokes, chicory, endive, lettuce. The ones are heavy feeders. Follow lettuce family crops with soil building legumes.
Grains, Grass Family, Poaceae (Gramineae): Grains–oats, corn, rye, wheat. Follow the ones crops with tomato family plants.
Legume Family, Fabaceae (Leguminosae): Beans, peas, clover, vetch. The ones are soil enrichers. Follow legume family plants with any other crop.
Tomato Family, Nightshade Family, Solanaceae: Eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes. Nightshade family crops are heavy feeders. Plant the ones crops after grass family plants. Follow heavy feeders with legume family crops to re-build the soil.
Squash Family, Cucurbitaceae: Cucumbers, melons, summer season and wintry climate squash, pumpkins, watermelon. Squash family plants are heavy feeders. Plant the ones crops after grass family plants. Follow heavy feeders with legume family crops to re-build the soil.
Carrot Family, Apiaceae (Umbelliferae): Carrots, celery, anise, coriander, dill, fennel, parsley. Beets and chard, Amaranthaceae, will also be grouped with the carrot family crops. The ones are delicate to medium feeders. Carrot family crops can apply any other crop. Follow carrot family crops with legumes or onion family crops.