How to Plant Grow and Harvest Cabbage

Grow cabbage

Cabbage is a cool-weather crop. Expand cabbage in spring so that it comes to harvest previous than the summer time heat or get began cabbage in mid to late summer time so that it comes to harvest throughout the cool days of autumn, wintry climate, or early spring.

Cabbages will expand in most soils. They prefer transient days and cool temperatures. Mature cabbages can resist cold temperatures as low as 20°F. Seedlings and more youthful plants can resist a gradual frost.

There are many varieties of cabbage from the size of a softball to others that weigh as much as 50 pounds. Some are very best eaten temporarily after harvest, others are well-suited for months of storage and wintry climate eating. Plant a mixture of early-, midseason-, and late-maturing cabbages. The earlies will give you your first harvest and will also be eaten instantly. The mid-seasons follow moreover for modern eating. The lates are the slow growers and the most productive keepers for wintry climate.

Cabbages are also vibrant. Choose from red, red, lavender, blue, red, white, cream, or green. There are also tight or unfastened head cabbages. Savoy is a looseleaf cabbage with crinkly textured leaves and is perhaps one of the vital flavorful. It is hardy and maximum one of the vital environment friendly cabbage variety for space gardens.

This is the entire knowledge to emerging cabbage!

Cabbage Speedy Emerging Guidelines

  • Get began seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks previous than the general frost in spring.
  • Place cabbage transplants inside the garden when they are 3 to 4 inches (7-10cm) tall as early as 3 to 4 weeks previous than the general frost in spring.
  • Direct sow seed out of doors when the soil will also be worked in spring.
  • In mild-winter spaces, get began seed in late summer time for a wintry climate or spring harvest.

Types of Cabbage

  • There are if truth be told numerous quite a lot of varieties of cabbage. There are many techniques to personnel or classify the varieties of cabbage:
  • One technique to personnel cabbage is to classify them by the use of harvest time–early season, mid-season, and late season. Early varieties are usually started indoors for a 2 to 3-week head get began on the season; mid- and late-season varieties are usually direct seeded inside the garden.
  • Otherwise is to personnel cabbage varieties by the use of whether or not or now not they are very best eaten recent or if they are upper stored.
  • There are cabbages with delicate green leaves, others with red leaves, and others with green, crinkly leaves (known as Savoy cabbage).
  • Savoy cabbages have a greater iron content material subject material than smooth-leaved cabbage; they are hardy and make very good wintry climate and spring crops.
  • Some cabbages are grouped as ornamental (even if their leaves are suitable for eating). The ones are incessantly known as “flowering” cabbages; they have got unfastened heads of ruffled leaves which can also be red, white, or red, with an outdoor border of green leaves.

Where to Expand Cabbage

  • Expand cabbage in loam soil rich in herbal matter that is well-drained. Plant cabbage in whole sun. Get in a position the planting beds ahead of planting by the use of masking beds with 2 to a few inches (5-7cm) of aged compost or business herbal planting mix and turning it underneath to 12 inches (30cm) deep.
  • Cabbage grows very best when the soil pH is between 6.5 and 6.8. The soil should be fertile and non-acidic. Complete a soil test previous than planting cabbage.
  • If clubroot sickness has been a subject, adjust the soil pH to 7.0 or slightly higher by the use of together with lime.
  • Add potassium-rich matter subject material very similar to greensand to the planting bed; moreover add phosphorus-rich matter subject material like phosphate rock.
  • Add slightly a couple of well-aged compost to planting beds previous than planting. In spaces where the soil is sandy or where there is heavy rain, supplement the soil with nitrogen.
  • Together with a cheap amount of nitrogen-rich blood meal or cottonseed meal to the soil ahead of planting will toughen leafy expansion.
  • Cabbage will also be grown in sandy loam or heavy clay if watered correctly.
  • Just right sufficient moisture will allow cabbage to be grown in sizzling spaces. Without excellent sufficient water in sizzling spaces, cabbage will bolt–flower and move to seed.
  • Cabbage will expand in USDA Zones 1-10. They are able to resist temperatures as low as 20°F. They expand very best when days and transient and temperatures are cool. In areas with sizzling summers and cool, on the other hand cold winters, expand cabbage as a wintry climate crop.
Cabbage seedlings growing in spring
Learn the way to Expand Cabbage Get began seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks previous than the general frost in spring Sow seed out of doors when the soil will also be worked in spring

Cabbage Planting Time

  • Cabbage grows very best in spaces where there is a long, cool emerging season with temperatures between 45° and 75°F (7-24°C).
  • Cabbage can tolerate frost and briefly temperatures as low as 20°F (-6.70°C).
  • Cabbage will bolt and move to seed in temperatures greater than 80°F (26°C).
  • Early varieties are usually started indoors for a 2 to 3-week head get began on the season; mid- and late-season varieties are usually direct seeded inside the garden.
  • Sow midseason varieties directly inside the garden on the frost-free date, and late-season varieties one month later.
  • As a commonplace guiding principle: in southern mild-winter spaces, get began cabbage indoors or in a cold frame in December and set plants inside the garden in January; in northern cold-winter spaces, get began cabbage in hotbeds or indoors in February and set plants inside the garden as temporarily since the soil will also be worked. In northern spaces, plant starts seeds all over again in Would possibly or June and set them inside the garden in July.
  • Get began seeds indoors as early as 6 to 8 weeks previous than the general frost in spring.
  • Sow seed out of doors when the soil will also be worked in spring. Transplants can move inside the garden from 5 weeks previous than to a few weeks after the general frost.
  • Place transplants inside the garden when they are 3 to 4 inches (7-10cm) tall as early as 3 to 4 weeks previous than the general frost in spring.
  • Transplant seedlings which can also be 4 to 5 inches tall.
  • For the most productive end result transplanting cabbage, transplant after rain or soak the hole with water in one day previous than transplanting then water all over again after more youthful plants are set in place. If the weather is sunny, give new transplants a few days of colour until they are acclimatized.
  • In cool-summer spaces, plant cabbage in late spring for a fall harvest.
  • In mild-winter spaces, get began seed in late summer time—about 6 to 8 weeks previous than the principle frost–for a wintry climate or spring harvest.
  • Cabbage comes to harvest in 80 to 180 days from seed and in 60 to 105 days from transplants depending upon the variability.
  • Unused cabbage seed is very good for 5 years.

Spring cabbage starting pointers: Plant Spring Cabbage in Fall.

Cabbage planting in spring
Transplant cabbage to the garden when plants are 4 to 6 weeks out of date with 4 to 5 true leaves The ones seedlings are protected from birds and cutworms

Cabbage Planting and Spacing

  • Sow cabbage seeds a ½ inch deep spaced 1 inch (2.5cm) apart; thin plants to 18 to 24 inches (45-61cm) apart–18 inches apart for earlies, 24 inches apart for lates.
  • Cabbage seed is tiny; merely 1 ounce of seeds will produce 1,500 to a few,000 plants.
  • Transplant cabbage to the garden when plants are 4 to 6 weeks out of date with 4 to 5 true leaves. Set transplants in holes up to the bottom of the principle pair of leaves, making sure the crown is not too as regards to the soil ground.
  • Set leggy or crooked stemmed plants deeply; you are able to bury 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5cm) of the principle stem even up to rather underneath the easiest two gadgets of leaves.
  • Space more youthful seedlings 18 to 24 inches (45-61cm) apart in rows 24 to 36 inches (61-91cm) apart. You can space plants closer on the other hand the heads will probably be smaller at maturity.
  • Space early varieties 14 inches apart; space mid-season varieties 16 inches apart; space late varieties 24 inches apart.
  • In early spring plant cabbage through black plastic or garden subject material set in place to warmth the soil. Decrease an x inside the subject material to set out transplants.
  • Provide cutworm collars for seedlings and more youthful cabbage plants.
  • Plant succession crops every two weeks or plant seeds and transplants at the identical time or plant early and midseason varieties at the identical time so that they come to harvest at different circumstances.
  • Cabbage yield: Plant 4 to 8 cabbage plants for each and every circle of relatives member.

Additional pointers: Cabbage Seed Starting Guidelines.

Container Emerging Cabbage

  • A cabbage will expand merely in a container at least 8 inches (20cm) deep and massive.
  • In massive boxes expand cabbage on 12-inch (30cm)amenities.
  • Keep the soil frivolously rainy, do not let the soil move dry, and do not overwater.
  • Feed cabbage emerging in boxes with compost tea or a dilute solution of fish emulsion every two weeks.
  • Cabbage dislikes sizzling local weather; switch boxes into the colour when the weather warms.

Cabbage in raised bed

Watering Cabbage

  • Cabbage requires commonplace, even watering. Uneven watering can result in stunted or cracked heads. Give cabbage 1 to 1½ inches of water every week; 1 inch equals 16 gallons (60.5 liters).
  • As plants succeed in maturity, cut back on watering to keep away from splitting heads.
  • Always water at the base of the plant; keep away from over-head watering which is able to spread sickness.

Feeding Cabbage

  • Cabbage is a heavy feeder.
  • 3 weeks after planting side-dress cabbage with well-rotted manure, or practice manure tea every 3 weeks until harvest.
  • Fertilize cabbage at midseason when plants are established with a major nitrogen fertilizer very similar to 10-5-5 or feed plants a dilute solution of fish emulsion every two weeks.

Partner Vegetation for Cabbage

  • Expand cabbage with beets, lettuce, radishes, celery, fragrant herbs, onions, and potatoes.
  • Interplant cabbage with beets and radishes and leafy lettuce; there will probably be considerable room for the ones crops next to maturing cabbage.
  • Cabbage will also be grown alongside broccoli, kohlrabi, kale, cauliflower, and peas.
  • Steer clear of planting cabbage with pole beans, strawberries, and tomatoes.
  • To deter insects, plant dill or thyme just about cabbage.

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Caring for Cabbage Care

  • Mulch spherical cabbage—specifically in warmth local weather—to handle soil moisture and keep the soil cool in warmth local weather.
  • Cabbage heads will get a divorce after they expand too fast and take in a substantial amount of water.
  • To forestall this hurt, twist heads 1 / 4 turn to separate some roots and interrupt water uptake each and every week in advance of harvest.
  • If heads are small at harvest, add nitrogen to the soil next season and plant earlier.
  • If cabbage starts to flower, this is resulted in by the use of temperatures of 40 to 50°F for three or 4 weeks; this will likely more and more happen to cabbages which can also be overwintered.

Cabbage Pests

  • Cabbage will also be attacked by the use of cutworms, cabbage loopers (caterpillars preceded by the use of small yellow and white moths), imported cabbage worms, cabbage root maggots, slugs, and aphids.
  • Place a protective collar spherical more youthful plants to exclude cutworms.
  • Handpick loopers and worms damage them or spray with insecticidal cleansing cleaning soap or Bacillus thuringiensis.
  • Cabbage maggots are the larvae of a fly. Plant radishes just about cabbages to repel the flies. Place row covers over seedlings or plant all over the garden subject material to stick flies from laying eggs inside the soil. Mound diatomaceous earth or sizzling pepper spherical stems if maggots are inside the soil. You can moreover mix wood ash into the soil just about the roots.
  • Cutworms and flea beetles will attack more youthful plants.
  • Aphids, cabbage loopers, cabbage maggots, harlequin bugs, imported cabbage worms, and leafminers attack cabbage.
  • Flea beetles nibble holes in more youthful leaves; attacks are worse in dry local weather; keeping the soil rainy will deter attacks.
  • Mealy aphids are gray-green, waxy-looking aphids that suck juices from leaves; squash by the use of hand or introduce ladybugs into the garden.
  • Cabbage whitefly are clouds of small white insects; spray with insecticidal cleansing cleaning soap or Bacillus thuringiensis.
  • Caterpillars are the larvae of slightly a large number of varieties of cabbage white butterflies and moths; the ones pests eat holes in leaves; insecticidal cleansing cleaning soap or Bacillus thuringiensis.
  • Cabbage root fly: the ones adult flies lay eggs at the base of more youthful brassica plants; hatched grubs tunnel into roots causing plants to collapse; exclude the flies with row covers; dig up and do away with collapsed plants.
  • Slugs and snails eat ragged holes in leaves; handpick and damage the ones pests.
  • Birds can attack more youthful seedlings; protect seedlings with netting or row covers.
  • To deter insect pests, plant thyme alongside cabbage in a row about 6 inches away. You can moreover spray plants with a mix of boiled onion and garlic.
Cabbage must be protected from pest insect
Cabbage looper and other insects will hurt heads

Cabbage Diseases

  • Black rot, incessantly referred to as blackleg, clubroot, and yellows are fungal diseases that can attack cabbage
  • Blackleg leaves yellow, V-shaped lesions on leaf edges. Vegetation with clubroot wilt and look stunted; there will probably be galls on the roots. Cabbage yellows are marked by the use of the yellowing of lower leaves.
  • Blackleg, bacterial blight: control diseases through crop rotation; gain and burn or do away with inside the trash can plant matter subject material after harvest.
  • Clubroots is a soil-borne sickness that results in root swelling followed by the use of yellow leaves, the collapse of the plant, and death. Carry the entire plant and do away with it inside the trash or burn it; do not compost diseased plants
  • Downy mildew and yellows can also afflict cabbage plants.
  • To keep away from fungal diseases plant disease-resistant varieties or seeds which have been sizzling water treated. Plant in well-drained soil. Water with compost tea.
  • Remove and damage diseased plants in an instant.
  • Rotate crops on a three-year cycle.

Additional pointers: Cabbage Emerging Problems: Troubleshooting.

Cracking Cabbage Heads

  • Cabbage heads crack or get a divorce if the soil is allowed to move dry and then watered. The center and outer portions of the highest building up at different speeds. The heads of early varieties forever get a divorce in warmth local weather.
  • If a cabbage head starts to crack or get a divorce, you are able to slow expansion and the harvest time; give the plant a 180° twist at floor degree to wreck off probably the most important roots; this will likely infrequently slow expansion.
  • If cracking continues, twist every other 90° or harvest instantly.
Cabbage in winter
Cabbage for fall or wintry climate harvest can sit down down underneath a blanket of snow without harm

Harvesting Cabbage

  • Cabbage will probably be in a position for harvest at maturity in 80 to 180 days from seed depending on the variety or in 60 to 105 days from transplanting. On the other hand, cabbage will also be harvested at any size. Kid heads are regarded as a delicacy. Cabbage does now not want to form a head to be suitable for eating; you are able to eat unfastened leaves.
  • Decrease cabbage with a sharp knife when heads are corporate and the ground of the highest is 4 to 10 inches (10-25cm) all through.
  • Splitting heads are a sign of peculiar watering or cabbages earlier their most sensible.
  • Harvest previous than the weather becomes too warmth in spring. Cabbage will probably be sweet if harvested in cool local weather.
  • To harvest cabbage, decrease the heads off the basis instrument with a sharp knife. Discard the outer leaves and check up on the highest for insects along the leaf stems if you happen to occur to plot to store heads.
  • Cabbage for a fall crop or wintry climate harvest can sit down down underneath a blanket of snow without harm. Simply downside the spoiled outer leaves after harvest.
  • If you want to have a second harvest from the identical plant, decrease the highest merely where the center of the stem meets the highest leaving lots of the stem and a lot of different leaves hooked as much as the stem stump. Small new heads—regarding the size of a baseball–will expand from the stalks for later harvest.
  • To hold maturing cabbage inside the garden longer, pull or twist the heads to wreck off probably the most important feeder roots. This wonder will keep cabbage from bolting or splitting for a period.
  • To get a second harvest from early varieties, decrease the initial head off leaving the stalks and roots in place. The stalks will resprout with little buds; remove all on the other hand one or two of the new sprouts and make allowance them to transform small heads for a second harvest.

Additional pointers: Learn the way to Harvest and Store Cabbage.

Storing and Keeping up Cabbage

  • Cabbage will keep inside the refrigerator for 1 to 2 weeks or longer.
  • Cabbage retail outlets very best when stored cool and most at 32° to 40°F. Overdue-season varieties store very best.
  • Underneath proper must haves, cabbage will keep for 5 to 6 months.
  • In mild-winter spaces, cabbage will also be stored out of doors inside the garden row or in pits or trenches. Place a thick protective mulch over cabbage stored out of doors.
  • Overdue-season varieties with corporate, solid heads must be picked merely previous than the leave lose their sensible color; the ones will also be stored in a pit or cellar.
  • Cabbage moreover will also be dried and frozen or cured in brine as sauerkraut.
  • Cabbage seeds will also be sprouted.

Storing Cabbage in a Cabbage Pit

  • Cabbage will also be harvested root and head in a pit or cellar.
  • Dig a pit 2 feet deep and line it with straw; place the cabbages inside the pit with roots up and cover with straw; then place a burlap sack over the heads and shovel rather of soil over the sack. Carry the sack as you need to use heads.

Storing Cabbage in a Root Cellar

  • Place cabbage heads on a sheet in a root cellar; leaves a lot of inches between each and every head.

Freezing Cabbage

  • Cabbage leaves will also be shredded or decrease into wedges and then blanched for 2 to a few minutes; place blanched cabbage in freezer luggage and then freeze.

Cabbage inside the Kitchen

  • Cabbage tastes very best when eaten temporarily after harvest.
  • Cabbage is fundamental in vitamins; it has very good amounts of vitamins B1, B2, and A, plus calcium and vitamin C.
  • Cabbage can be used in each and every raw and cooked forms. Uncooked cabbage is higher in nutrient value than cooked cabbage.
  • Grated, raw cabbage is the principle part in cole slaw.
  • Slivers of cabbage will also be added to stir-fries, soups, or stews.
  • A cabbage roll is floor pink meat or pink meat mixed with sauteed caramelized onions and rice, filled in a cabbage leaf.
  • Kimchi is a standard Korean aspect dish of salted and fermented vegetables, very similar to cabbage and Korean radish.
Savoy cabbage at harvest
Savoy cabbage has crinkled leaves

Sorts of Cabbage to Expand

There are numerous quite a lot of varieties of cabbage. Make a choice slightly a large number of cabbage that fits your emerging time and needs.

  • Green cabbage varieties: ‘Stovehead’ (60 days); ‘Jersey Wakefield’ (63 days); ‘Golden Acre’ (65 days); ‘Market Prize’ (73 days); ‘Green Boy’ (75 days); ‘Round Up’ (76 days); ‘Blue Ribbon’ (76 days); ‘Blue Boy’ (78 days); ‘Rio Verde’ (70 days); ‘Badger Ban Head’ (98 days); ‘Flat Dutch’ (105 days).
  • Savoy cabbage varieties: ‘Savoy Ace’ (80 days); ‘Savoy King’ (85 days).
  • Crimson cabbage varieties: ‘Red Acre’ (76 days); ‘Red Ball’ (70 days); ‘Red Ribbon’ (78 days); ‘Ruby Perfection’ (90 days).

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Cabbage Types by the use of Harvest Time

There are summer time cabbage, autumn cabbage, and wintry climate cabbage varieties. Early-season varieties come to harvest in late spring and summer time; mid-season varieties come to harvest in late summer time and autumn; late-season varieties come to harvest in autumn and wintry climate.

  • Early-season green cabbage: ‘Bergkabis, Charmant’ (52-65 days); ‘Derby Day’ (58-65 days), ‘Discovery’, ‘Dynamo’, ‘Early Jersey Wakefield’ (63-70 days); ‘Golden Acre’ (58-65 days); ‘Jingan’; ‘Julius’; ‘Mini Cole’; ‘Parel’; ‘Primo’; ‘Stonehead’ (50-70 days).
  • Early-season red cabbage: ‘Barteolo’; ‘Bentley’; ‘Cardinal’; ‘Copenhagen Market Red’; ‘Lasso’; ‘Lennox’; ‘Mammoth Red Rock’ (90-95 days); ‘Red Acre’ (75-85 days); ‘Red Debut’; ‘Red Drumhead’ (95 days); ‘Red Rodan’ (140 days); ‘Red Rookie’ (78 days); ‘Rona Red’ (98 days), ‘Rougette’; ‘Ruby Perfection’ (83-85 days); ‘Solid Red’ (83 days).
  • Midseason cabbage varieties: ‘Blue Vantage’ (76 days); ‘Copenhagen Market’ (72 days); ‘Fortuna’ (80-85 days).
  • Overdue-season cabbage varieties: ‘Bruswick’; ‘Danish Ballhead’ (100-105); ‘Gloria’; ‘January King’; ‘Late Flat Dutch’ (100-110 days); ‘Savonarch’ (110 days); ‘Solid Blue’; ‘Wivoy’.

Truly helpful Cabbage Types


  • Copenhagen Market: ball-shaped 6-inch heads; very good keeper; about 70 days to maturity.
  • Golden Acre: 5-inch or higher heads on transient stems; does now not like sizzling local weather; yellow-resistant; 60 days to maturity.
  • Trendy Dwarf: a small plant with 4-inch heads; sweet and cushy, cracking resistant; 60 days to maturity.
  • Stonehead: round 6-inch heads; compact expansion; dense laborious heads; yellows-resistant, heat-resistant; about 60 days to maturity.


  • Glory (Enkhuizen): round, blue-green heads to 7.5 inches; dense and solid; out of date Dutch variety; 75 days to maturity.
  • Crimson Acre: blood red round heads to 6 inches; yellow resistant.
  • Savoy Ace: round heads can weigh up to 4 pounds; crinkly leaves; sweet and flavorful; All-The united states Selection; matures in about 80 days.

Overdue Season

  • Danish Ballhead: round, blue-green leaves to 8 inches; very good keeper; relatively heat tolerant; 110 days to maturity.
  • Drumhead: massive round, on the other hand flattened 9-inch heads; extra laborious; very good keeper; 90 days to maturity.
  • Savoy King: semi-flat head with crinkly leaves; flavorful; weighs 4 to 6 pounds; All-The united states Selection; 80 to 120 days to maturity.
  • Chieftain Savoy: flat heads weigh up to 5 pounds; crinkly leaves; sweet style; All-The united states Selection; 80 to 90 days to maturity.

Round-head Types

  • Danish Ballhead is very large with a solid head; 3 to 5 pounds; late variety; 105 days to maturity.

Flat-head Types

  • Overdue Dutch Flat is a late-season variety with bluish-green leaves; matures in 110 days.

Conical-head Types

  • Early-Jersey Wakefield is an extra-early variety with dark green leaves; grows to 2 to a few pounds; 65 days to maturity.

Crimson-leaf Types

  • Crimson Acre has a dismal red head, 6 to 7 inches all through; grows to 4 or 5 pounds; early to mid-season variety; 86 days of maturity.
  • Ruby Ball is ball-shaped; expand to 5 pounds; All-Aerian Selection; early variety; 70 days to maturity.

Savoy Types

  • Chieftan Savoy has blue-green leaves; flattened head; grows to 4 to 5 pounds; All-The united states Selection; 85 days to maturity.

Additional about cabbage varieties: Choosing Cabbage Types to Expand.

Cabbage Pollination and Seed Saving

  • Cabbage is an insect-pollinated biennial. Differing cabbage varieties will also be cross-pollinated till they are planted 100 yards apart
  • To save some cabbage seeds, decrease stalks when seed pods are dry and brittle. Dry pods on trays and separate the seeds.

Cabbage Endlessly Asked Questions

Q: Why do my cabbage heads get a divorce?

A: Cabbage heads get a divorce after they expand too fast and take in a substantial amount of water. You can cut back the wear and tear by the use of breaking probably the most important plant’s roots with a quarter-turn twist of the highest.

Q: Why are my cabbage heads small? What causes smaller heads?

A: Small or poor-quality cabbage heads will also be the result of over-warm local weather or of nutrient deficiency. Plant earlier and check out soil fertility previous than planting.

Q: What are the small yellow and white moths or white butterflies flying spherical my cabbage plants?

A: The ones are the adult form of the cabbage looper and imported cabbage computer virus. When the ones moths fly about cabbage they are moreover landing and laying eggs on the leaves. When the eggs hatch, the caterpillars get started eating the leaves.

Q: one year a few of my cabbage plants become diseased, I’ve had problems with cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower ever since. What can I do?

A: The plants are possibly infected with black leg or black rot sickness, both a type of diseases attack cabbage family plants. The ones diseases can continue to exist inside the soil for two or 3 years. To succeed in control, do not expand cabbage family plants inside the affected areas of the garden for three years. Then acquire seeds which have been hot-watered treated.

About Cabbage

  • Cabbage is a hardy biennial grown as a cool-weather annual that can tolerate frost on the other hand now not heat.
  • Cabbage grows an enlarged terminal bud of enormous, overlapping leaves known as a “head” atop a temporary, stubby stem. Heads will also be round, flat, or pointed. Leaves will also be delicate or crinkled in shades of green or reddish-purple and the highest will also be round, flat, or pointed.
  • Cabbage varieties can come to harvest early inside the season, mid-season, or late season.
  • Exposed to critical frost, too little moisture, or a substantial amount of heat cabbage may not form a head on the other hand as a substitute bolt and move directly to seed.
  • Cabbage heads–which are maximum recurrently water–will make larger and get a divorce if the weather grows too warmth since the heads take in water more in short than the moisture can transpire from tightly wrapped leaves.
  • Botanical establish: Brassica oleracea capitata (brassicas are incessantly known as cole crops)
  • Basis: Southern Europe

Additional pointers: Planting Cabbage.

Expand 80 vegetables and herbs: KITCHEN GARDEN GROWERS’ GUIDE

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