How to Grow Radishes from Seed

Radish seedlings seed starting
Radish seedlings

Radish is a cool-season crop. Radishes are best possible grown in spring and fall.

Direct sow radishes throughout the garden 6 to a few weeks previous to the rest frost in spring. Sow succession vegetation every 3 weeks after.

Emerging tip: Shorter and cooler days result in radishes with rounder roots. For refined and gentle roots, expand radishes impulsively with slightly numerous moisture in soil rich in aged compost. When growth is interrupted by way of lack of soil moisture, radish roots might be sizzling, tricky, and pithy.

Radishes mature in 21 to 35 days depending on the variety.

Radish Sowing and Planting Pointers

  • Get began radishes from seed sown without delay throughout the garden.
  • Radish seeds are viable for 5 years.
  • Get began seeds throughout the garden about 6 to 4 weeks previous to you expect the rest frost in spring. Radish can be started indoors, on the other hand they—like most root vegetation—are difficult to transplant to the garden with excellent fortune.
  • If started indoors and transplanted, allow two additional weeks to maturity because of root insult at transplanting; nip off the long thread tip of the radish root when transplanting.
  • Sow seed ¼ to ½ (6-12 mm) inch deep and also you must for sure heel or stamp the soil firmly.
  • Sow seed 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart and later thin to 4 inches (10 cm) in all directions.
  • To strengthen germination sow seed at dusk or on a cool, cloudy day.
  • Sow seed in unfastened, fertile soil. Together with aged compost to planting beds upfront of sowing will feed the soil and lend a hand moisture retention.
  • Seeds should germinate in 4 to 10 days at an optimal temperature of 70°F (21C) or better; germination will take longer in colder soil.
  • The optimum soil temperature to expand radishes is 50° to 75°F (10-24°C).
  • Make additional sowing at 3-week sessions for a unbroken harvest, on the other hand time sowing so that crop does now not mature in sizzling local weather.
  • Radishes desire a soil pH range of 5.5 to 6.5.
  • Expand radishes in entire sun for best possible yield—tolerates partial shade.
  • Fertilize with an herbal fertilizer very similar to fish emulsion at phase power.
  • No longer abnormal pest enemies are aphids, flea beetles, cabbage root maggots, cabbage worms, cabbage loopers, and wireworms. Offer protection to the seedlings from pests and cold temperatures for two to a couple of weeks after planting with spun poly row covers.

Interplanting: Plant radish with bush beans, beets, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, peas, peppers, and spinach.

Container Emerging Radish: Expand in a container a minimum of 4 inches (10 cm) deep; plant in concentric circles.

Radish Planting Calendar

For Spring Harvest:

  • 6-4 weeks previous to the rest frost in spring: direct-sow in a plastic tunnel or cold frame.
  • 4 weeks previous to the rest frost in spring: direct-sow throughout the garden; minimum soil temperature 40°
  • Each 2 to a few weeks sow succession vegetation.

For Fall Harvest:

  • 10-8 weeks previous to the principle frost in fall: direct-sow throughout the garden.
  • 4-2 weeks previous to the principle frost in fall: direct-sow throughout the garden in a plastic tunnel or cold frame.
  • ‘Cherry Belle’ is antique round and red.
  • ‘Easter Egg’ is multicolored.
  • ‘French Breakfast’ is long and cylindrical.
  • ‘Miyashige’ is an Asian daikon radish with long white roots.

Botanical Name: Raphanus sativus

Radish belongs to the Brassicacea (Cruciferae) or cabbage family; other contributors include cabbage, kale, collard, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and turnips.

Further pointers: Learn to Expand Radishes.

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