Lettuce Growing Problems and Solutions

Lettuce problems
Lettuce problems Lettuce that is crowded or grown in poor soil it is going to be difficult and bitter tasting

Most types of lettuce require cool local weather or slight shading for best possible conceivable growth. Increase lettuce throughout the cool part of the one year, when temperatures range throughout the 50s and 60sF. You are able to plant lettuce as soon as the ground will also be worked in spring. Increase leafy sorts where the weather is warmer.

Lettuce grows correctly in reasonable, alternatively free and well-drained soil. Don’t crowd lettuce; let it leaf out and expand endlessly and briefly for best possible conceivable style. Lettuce that is crowded or grown in poor soil it is going to be difficult and bitter tasting.

For lettuce emerging tips see Lettuce Emerging Just right fortune Tips at the bottom of this put up and How you’ll be able to Increase Lettuce.

Listed below are common lettuce emerging problems with remedies and controls:

• Seed planted in mid summer time or warmth local weather fails to germinate. Temperatures are too most sensible. Lettuce seed has a germination price of 99 % at 77°F; the germination price drops to 87 % 86°F. Use an herbal mulch to cut back soil temperature. Plant sorts that tolerate warmth soil temperatures: Black Seeded Simpson, Expansion, Great Lakes, Imperial 615.

• Seedlings wilt and collapse with dark water-soaked stems when they appear. Damping off is a fungus that lives throughout the soil, in particular where humidity is most sensible. Do not plant in cold, rainy soil. Ensure that soil is well drained.

• Seedlings uprooted; leaves torn. Birds pull up seedlings to feed on seed. Cover seedlings with hen block or floating row covers until established.

• More youthful stems chewed. More youthful earwigs feed on plant shoots and eat holes in foliage. Most endlessly the wear and tear is tolerable and the infestation is mild. Heavy infestation use traps of rolled wet paper or old-fashioned flowerpots stuffed with paper to catch earwigs at night. Dump them in soapy water. Keep garden free of plant debris. Spray with sizzling pepper and garlic repellent.

• Leaves are distorted or curled beneath with small shiny specks. Aphids are tiny, oval, and yellowish to greenish pear-shaped insects that colonize on the undersides of leaves. They leave behind sticky excrement known as honeydew which is able to turn out to be a black sooty mold. Blast aphids away with water from hose. Use insecticidal cleansing cleaning soap. Mulch with aluminum foil which is in a position to disorient aphids.

• Leaf margins appear scorched and wilted. Leafhoppers are green, brown, or yellow bugs to ⅓-inch long with wedge-shaped wings. They suck the juices from plants. Use insecticidal cleansing cleaning soap. Cover plants with floating row covers to exclude leafhoppers. Use Sevin, pyrethrum, rotenone.

• Trails of silver slime on leaves; leave eaten. Snails and slugs feed on leaves. Scale back hiding places via retaining garden free of debris. Handpick from beneath board set in garden as shelter-trap. Use a shallow dish of beer with lip at ground stage to attract and drown snails and slugs.

• Small ragged holes eaten in leaves. Cabbage looper is a light green caterpillar with yellow stripes working down the back; loops as it walks. Keep garden clean of weeds and debris where adult brownish night-flying moth can lay eggs. Cover plants with spun polyester to exclude moths. Select loppers off via hand. Use Bacillus thuringiensis. Dust with Sevin or rotenone.

• Holes in leaves; leaves skeletonized; seedlings eaten. Armyworms or corn earworms:

(1) Armyworms are dark green caterpillars the larvae of a mottled gray moth with a wingspan of 1½ inches. Armyworms mass and eat leaves, stems, and roots of many plants. Handpick caterpillars and destroy. Cultivate after harvest to expose the pupae. Use industry traps with floral lures.

(2) Corn earworm is a white, green, or crimson caterpillar with spines to about 1½ inches long. Tomato hornworm is a green caterpillar 3 to 5 inches long with white stripes. The ones pests will eat holes in leaves and fruit. Handpick and destroy. Spray with Bacillus thuringiensis. Spray with pyrethrum or rotenone.

• Leaf veins are swollen and light-weight yellow; leaves are puckered, ruffled, and brittle. Huge vein is a viral sickness associated with fine-textured, poorly drained soil. Remove and destroy infected plants. Do not overwater. Keep soil on the dry aspect. Plant tolerant sorts. Plant when the air temperature is 60°F or higher to scale back the severity of indicators.

• Leaves faintly mottled; plants are yellow and stunted. Mosaic virus is transmitted via aphids and leafhoppers. There’s no keep an eye on after indicators occur. Remove infected plants. Control insects. Keep garden free of weeds where insects harbor. Use aluminum mulch to disorient aphids. Plant resistant sorts: Parris Island. Valmaine Cos.

• Crops yellow; dark brown steaks within stems and larger veins; plant wilts. Fusarium wilt is a soil fungus which infects plant vascular, in most cases where the soil is warmth. For individuals who cut back the plant at the base, the stem it is going to be dark reddish brown as an alternative of ivory color. Increase resistant sorts. Rotate plants. Remove and destroy infected plants. Solarize the soil in past due spring or summer time. Fungicides aren’t environment friendly.

• Gentle yellowish spots enlarge on upper leaf surfaces; gray-purple powder or mold on leaf undersides. Downy mildew is caused via a fungus. Support air motion. Rotate plants. Keep garden free of plant debris. Plant resistant sorts: Arctic King, Huge Boston, Salad Bowl, Imperial.

• Sunken, water-soaked spots appear on lower leaves which turn brown and slimy. Rhizoctonia bottom rot is caused via a soilborne fungus. Remove infected plant debris that harbors fungus. Rotate plants. Plant in well-drained house. Solarize the soil in past due spring or summer time.

• Leaves rot becoming water soaked and turning brownish-black. Bacterial leaf or fungal leaf spot cannot be cured. Plant treated seed. Prune away infected leaves. Keep garden and gear clean. Keep away from overhead watering. Plant resistant sorts.

• Stem, lower leaves rot; dense grayish green mold on affected areas. Botrytis gray mold is a fungal sickness. Remove and destroy infected plants. Keep weeds out of garden where fungal spores would perhaps harbor. Plant in well-drained house.

• Lettuce bolts: crops and goes to seed previous to it is in a position to eat. Long sizzling days and warmth nights will purpose bolting. Sow lettuce so that it grows and matures in cool local weather. Sow lettuce in spring 2 weeks previous to without equal frost or plant in past due summer time for a fall crop. Plant heat resistant sorts: Great Lakes, Salad Bowl, Slowbolt.

• Leaf tips turn brown and look burned. Sunburn happens when leaves download entire sun in summer time. Give plants partial color in afternoon. Use color material or plant where bed is shaded in afternoon. Plant lettuce in shadows of taller plants.

• Edges of within head lettuce leaves are brown and rotten; in most cases no longer visible form outside of head. Tipburn is a physiological disorder caused via soil calcium deficiency. Top temperatures and a substantial amount of nitrogen can aggravate tipburn hurt. Check out soil for calcium levels; keep an eye on as essential. Keep away from water tension. Plant lettuce so that it comes to harvest in cool local weather.

• Leaves at heart of heads are stunted, twisted, slender, yellowed. Aster yellows is a mycoplasma sickness spread via leafhoppers. Remove infected plants. Control leafhopper. Keep the garden free of weeds which is able to harbor sickness. Smash infected plants. Use Sevin.

• Romaine lettuce does no longer form heart. Seed used to be as soon as planted too deep; place seed on seedbed and cover with ½ inch of soil.

• Head lettuce does no longer form head. Crops are crowded. Thin head lettuce to stand from 12 to 14 inches apart.

• Leaves of looseleaf sorts are small and bitter tasting. Crops are crowded. Thin plants to stand from 6 to 10 inches apart.

• Leaf undersides are silver; tiny brown spots on leaves. Smog or air air air pollution; expand lettuce all the way through cool, clear months.

• Silvery leaves after cold local weather. Frost hurt; freezing and temperature drops will injure leaves.


Lettuce Emerging Just right fortune Tips:

Planting. Increase lettuce in entire sun where the emerging season is cool. In very hot to sizzling emerging spaces, expand lettuce in partial color–between taller plants is very good. Lettuce calls for no less than 4 hours of sun on a daily basis. Lettuce will expand in reasonable soil, alternatively soil amended with aged compost that is well-drained is best. Sow seed instantly or set out transplants.

Planting time. Lettuce will also be planted throughout the garden as early as 4 weeks previous to without equal expected frost in spring. For a continuous supply, plant lettuce every couple of weeks until about 4 weeks previous to the typical daylight hours temperature exceeds 80°F (after that plant lettuce throughout the color or sow heat-resistant sorts). Get started sowing lettuce again towards the end of the emerging season, about 8 weeks previous to the main expected frost in fall.

Care. Lettuce is shallow-rooted and requires consistent, even moisture. Do not let the soil dry out, alternatively avoid keep the outdoor soil again and again wet. In sizzling local weather or dry necessities, lettuce would perhaps require watering each day. Keep growing beds weed free; cultivate shallowly to avoid apprehensive lettuce roots.

Harvest. Select lettuce on a cut-and-come-again basis; select the outside leaves as soon as they are big enough to eat. For heading lettuce–crisphead and Romaine sorts–cut back heads as soon as they are forged and corporate.

Further emerging tips at How you’ll be able to Increase Lettuce.

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