Row Covers Protect Plants from Chill

Floating row cover rolled out over seed bed
Floating row cover rolled out over seed bed

Floating row covers and plant blankets are a very easy way to offer protection to plants from chilly nights and lightweight frosts.

Row covers and plant blankets are frequently made from lightweight spun-fabric subject material similar to Reemay which lets water and lightweight succeed in plants on the other hand keeps the coolness off plants and warms the soil. You can use row covers to get an early get began in spring and to extend the season in fall.

Row cover topic subject material generally is to be had in rolls so that it can be simply rolled out over plant rows loosely and quickly. Anchor row covers to the ground on each and every side and the ends; use garden staples, rocks, or boards to hold row covers in place.

Delicate row cover topic subject material will keep plants 2 to 5°F warmer than the air outside temperature—enough to offer protection to plants from an in one day frost—and protect plants from drying winds and insects. Row covers lift as plants increase and do not require is helping.

For tall plants, spun-fabric or poly subject material may also be wrapped spherical plants to create a warming plant blanket. Dangle plant blankets in place with garden or clothes pins.

For added tips on protecting plants click on on proper right here to consult with the Season Extension subject area.

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