A balcony or rooftop garden has advantages and challenges. Enough sun is commonly not a problem for rooftops but might be for balconies. Snails and slugs and many other creeping insects or pests are usually not a problem. But wind and accessible water can pose challenges. Here are basic and important considerations when considering balcony or rooftop
Flea beetles eating a leaf The flea beetle is a shiny black insect 1/10 of an inch long. Some species have yellow or white curved stripes the length of the body. Flea beetles hop like fleas when disturbed. Flea beetles are particularly attracted to stressed plants; plants that are nutrient weak or underwatered. They also
Snail feeding on lettuce leaf Slugs and snails are soft-bodied wormlike animals, members of the mollusk zoological group. Snails have coiled shells. Slugs have no shells. Slugs and snails can be as small as 1/8 inch to as large as 8 inches long. They can be gray, tan, green, black, yellow or spotted. The presence
Pea seedlings When the crocus and narcissus bloom, the soil is growing warm enough to begin working in the kitchen garden. And if you want a sure sign that winter in your area is past, look for the first leafing out of the birch trees and the bloom of the lilacs. Don’t rush spring if
Cherokee Purple is known for its complex flavor. Tomato flavor is a balance of acid and sugar recognized by the tongue and the effect of volatile compounds within the fruit that cause aroma recognized by the nose. Simply put, the human perception of tomato flavor involves the integration of taste and smell. Tomato flavor is
White bean soup: cannellini beans, carrots and prosciutto White bean soup is hearty and well suited for cold weather. Basic bean soup is easy to make; follow one simple rule for best flavor: keep the heat low; bean soups burn easily. Variations on bean soup are many: you can add leftovers, fresh vegetables such as