Companion Planting in the Vegetable Garden
Vegetable Partners (fortify expansion) Antagonists (obstruct expansion)  Asparagus  Tomatoes repel asparagus beetles; nasturtiums, parsley, and basil assist expansion. Onions, garlic, chives, gladiolus  Beans Potatoes repel Mexican bean beetles; rosemary repels bugs, catnip repels flea beetles. To assist expansion: beets with bush beans, carrots, peas, cauliflower, cabbage with bush beans, eggplant, cucumbers, radishes with pole beans, summer time savory, celery with bush beans, strawberries, petunia, parsnips with bush beans, sunflower with bush beans. Beets and cabbage circle of relatives with pole beans, onion circle of relatives, kohlrabi, sunflower with pole beans, gladiolus, fennel  Beets  Bush beans, cabbage, lettuce, onions, kohlrabi, lima beans. Pole beans  Broccoli  Onion circle of relatives, herbs; see Cabbage See Cabbage Brussels Sprouts  Carrots, herbs See Cabbage  Cabbage Celery repels cabbage worms, onion circle of relatives deters maggots; rosemary, sage, thyme repel bugs. To assist expansion: beets, carrots, bush beans, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, kale, potatoes, fragrant herbs, dill, sage, mint, chamomile, nasturtiums. Strawberries, tomatoes, pole beans  Carrots Beans and peas upload vitamins; onion, leeks, chives repel carrot flies; rosemary and sage repel bugs; cabbage and Brussels sprouts repel bugs. To assist expansion tomatoes, peppers, leaf lettuce, purple radishes. Dill, celery, parsnips  Cauliflower  See Cabbage See Cabbage  Celery Beans and peas upload vitamins; early potatoes repel bugs; soybeans repel chinch insects. To assist expansion: cucumbers, cantaloupes, squash, cabbage, parsley, pumpkin. Tomatoes  Cucumbers Beans and peas upload vitamins; radishes repel cucumber beetles. To assist expansion: corn, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce, sunflowers, dill, nasturtiums. Potatoes, sage and fragrant herbs  Eggplant Inexperienced beans repel Coloradopotato beetles. To assist expansion: peppers. None  Kale Cabbage, fragrant herbs None  Kohlrabi Beets, lettuce, onions Tomatoes, pole beans  Leeks Celery, carrots, celeriac, onions Tomatoes, pole beans  Lettuce Beets, carrots, radishes with leaf lettuce, kohlrabi, strawberries, cabbage, onion circle of relatives, basil, cucumbers None  Lima Beans Beets, radishes None  Melons Corn; nasturtiums and radishes repel cucumber beetles. None  Onion Circle of relatives: bulb onions, garlic, leeks, scallions, shallots Beets, tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, kohlrabi, lettuce, cabbage, leeks, summer time savory, carrots, strawberries, chamomile, parsnips, turnips Beans, peas, asparagus  Parsley Asparagus, tomatoes, corn None  Parsnips Bush beans, peppers, potatoes, peas, radishes, onions, garlic Carrots, celery, caraway  Peas Radishes, carrots, cucumbers, corn, beans, turnips, celery, potatoes Onion circle of relatives, gladiolus  Peppers Tomatoes, eggplant, onions, carrots, parsnips Fennel, kohlrabi  Potatoes Beans and corn repel bugs; eggplant as a entice plant for Colorado potato beetle. To assist expansion: cabbage, peas, marigolds, horseradish at corners, parsnips. Pumpkin, squash, cucumbers, turnips, rutabagas, tomatoes, sunflowers, raspberry, apples  Pumpkin Corn, eggplant, radishes Potatoes  Radishes Cucumbers repel bugs. To assist expansion: peas, pole beans, leaf lettuce, nasturtiums, carrots, lima beans, chervil, parsnips. Hyssop  Soybeans All greens None  Spinach Cabbage, strawberries Potatoes  Squash Corn, nasturtiums Potatoes  Strawberries Lettuce, spinach, beans, onions, borage  Cabbage  Tomatoes Asparagus and basil repel bugs: To assist expansion: peppers, celery, onions, carrots, cucumbers, parsley, mint, chives, marigolds, nasturtiums. Corn, dill, potatoes, cabbage, kohlrabi, fennel  Turnips and Rutabagas Maximum greens, peas, onion circle of relatives Potatoes

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