Sweet Potato Problems and Solutions

sweet potato problems solved
Sweet potatoes need commonplace even watering until they are established Keep planting beds weed loose

Sweet potatoes require loose, well-drained soil and about 100 very hot days.

Sweet potatoes are usually grown from slips started from roots (to start out out your own add each and every different 40 days).

Set sweet potato starts into the garden concerning the identical time you put out tomato transplants in spring.

For sweet potato emerging tips see Sweet Potato Emerging Success Pointers at the bottom of this put up.

Now not ordinary sweet potato emerging problems with therapies and controls:

• Transplanted slips or sprouts die or do not produce vines. Sweet potato transplants (slips) must be saved evenly rainy until they root. Transplant out slips which can be superb sized, now not slips which can be thin or frail. Set transplants throughout the flooring up to their highest leaves; bury the remaining nodes so that they are going to root.

• Leaves become yellow or brownish, wilt and droop, brown to black steaks within stems; plant become stunted. Fusarium wilt is a fungal sickness which infects plant vascular tissues. Fungal spores live throughout the soil and can be carried by the use of cucumber beetles. Plant disease-resistant varieties. Rotate plants. Remove and destroy infected plants. Fungicides aren’t environment friendly.

• Water-soaked blotches on leaves–now not enlarging earlier leaf veins. Leaf spot or bacterial spot is a waterborne bacterium which causes odd geometric patterns on leaves. Spots would most likely turn yellow and crisp. Steer clear of wetting foliage with irrigation. Prune off infected leaves and stems. Clean up garden. Plant disease-resistant varieties. Rotate plants up to 2 years.

• Small shot-holes in leaves of seedlings. Flea beetles are tiny bronze or black beetles a sixteenth of an inch long. They eat small holes throughout the leaves of seedlings and small transplants. The larvae feed on roots of germinating plants. Spread diatomaceous earth spherical seedling. Cultivate frequently to disrupt life cycle. Keep garden clean.

• Holes in leaves and roots. Larva of sweet potato weevil is a white, legless grub with a mild brown head about 3/8 inches long; the adult beetle has a reddish snout. The grub will tunnel through leaves and roots. Pick off weevils. Remove and destroy infested plants. Sprinkle plants with diatomaceous earth. Cultivate the planting bed previous than planting to disturb the weevil’s life cycle.

• Leaves turn yellow and then brown from the bottom up; plant loses vigor; cracks in roots. Root knot nematode is a microscopic eelworm that attacks roots. Plant resistant varieties. Rotate plants. Remove earlier plant debris from garden. Root cracks moreover can be the result of too sudden uptake of water; keep watering even; steer clear of dry and wet spells.

• Roots are elongated, slender. Too popular watering. Sweet potatoes require consistent, even moisture, on the other hand roots must now not be frequently rainy. Water deeply for 2 to a few hours at a time then allow the soil to dry to a depth of 6 to 8 inches previous than watering over again. Heavy, clay soil which helps to keep moisture may motive sweet potato roots to become long and stringy. Add aged compost to planting beds to increase drainage.

• Root flesh is stringy. Soil is simply too wet. Roots must now not be saved frequently rainy. Steer clear of overwatering; be certain that soil is well drained. Water deeply for 2 to a few hours at a time then allow the soil to dry to a depth of 6 to 8 inches previous than watering over again. Heavy, clay soil which helps to keep moisture may motive sweet potato roots to become long and stringy. Add aged compost to planting beds to increase drainage. Cut back watering a few weeks previous than harvest.

• Tunnels or hole in tubers. (1) Wireworms or (2) sweet potato weevil: (1) Wireworms are the soil-dwelling larvae of click on on beetles; they appear to be wiry-jointed worms. Check out soil previous than planting; flood the soil if wireworms are supply. Remove infested plants and surrounding soil. (2) Sweet potato weevil is a blue-black weevil that resembles a black ant; the larva is a white, worm-like grub that can feed on plant stems and roots. . Weevils lay eggs throughout the soil and the worm-like larvae will eat stems and roots. Mound up soil spherical plants so that weevils can not achieve roots. Dust plants with a small amount of diatomaceous earth.

• Round to black spots and blotches on root flooring. Black scurf is a fungal sickness that favors warmth soil. Remove infected plants and plant debris that harbor fungal spores. Rotate plants. Be certain slips aren’t diseased. Plant certified disease-free slips. Rotate plants frequently. Solarize the soil in late spring or summer season. Black scurf is resting spores; peel away the outside spores previous than using the foundation.

• Black sunken spots on roots and underground stems; leaves are yellow. Black rot is a fungal sickness. Roots will have spherical black decayed areas that become dry and corky. Use highest certified healthy slip and resistant varieties. Keep garden free of weeds; some diseases are spread by the use of insects such since the sweet potato weevil. Steer clear of bruising tubers at harvest.

• Within cork, onerous corky spots in root. Within cork is a viral sickness transmitted throughout the propagation, using diseased stock and as well as by the use of aphids. Leaves will become mottled and yellowish along veins. Plant certified virus-free slips. Control aphids. Do not save roots from infected plants for planting next year.

• Sweet potatoes have poor style. Harvest roots previous than soil temperatures drop underneath 55°F. Harvest must be completed previous than the principle frost.

• Roots rot after harvest. Bacterial rots can enter roots through harvest wounds; sweet potatoes are very thin skinned. Treatment merely harvested roots for roughly each and every week at 75°F. Store cured sweet potatoes wrapped in newspapers at about 55°F.

• Parts of roots are onerous after cooking. Sweet potatoes must be stored at about 55°F, now not cooler. The tissue of roots stored too cold will become dry and difficult.

Sweet Potato Emerging Success Pointers:

Planting. Broaden sweet potatoes in entire sun. Artwork 2 to 4 inches of aged compost into the planting beds previous than planting. Plant rooted slips for perfect results. You are able to get began your own slips from sweet potatoes grown the year previous than. Allow 40 days for sweet potatoes to root. Use a large, corporate sweet potato; place the potato in a pot of rainy sand leaving two-thirds of the foundation exposed. Put the foundation in a sunny place at about 75°F. When sprouts are 4 to 6 inches long, twist them from the potato and put them in water or wet sand to root. Transplant the slips into the garden when the roots are about 2 inches long.

Planting time. Plant sweet potato slips after the soil has warmed in spring to at least 65°F or warmer; soil temperature of 80°F is best possible. In cool spaces, expand dwarf or early-maturing varieties and plant them in raised mounds or raised beds where the soil warmth quickest and stays warmth.

Care. Sweet potatoes need commonplace, even watering until they are established. Keep planting beds weed loose.

Harvest. Get started lifting sweet potatoes when they’ve reached the collection of days required for maturity–check out the seed packet or a emerging data. Keeping an eye on average days to harvest is among the highest techniques to take hold of when to harvest sweet potatoes. An unharvested sweet potato will continue to grow and expand, on the other hand it is best harvested more youthful. Sweet potato tubers are merely injured so raise them gently after loosening the soil with a spading fork. Treatment sweet potatoes for 10 days in a dry, shady place previous than using.

Further tips: Learn to Broaden Sweet Potatoes

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