Telecom Arbitrage Definition

Telecom Arbitrage Definition

What Is Telecom Arbitrage? Telecom arbitrage is a strategy where telecommunications companies provide long-distance access numbers, attracting customers looking for lower costs when dialing internationally by routing calls through a third country. These companies gain profits through interconnect fees. Telecom arbitrage is often considered to be a fraudulent activity that exploits differences in long-distance rates between countries

Telecommunications Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA) Definition

Telecommunications Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA) Definition

What Is the Telecommunications Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA)? The Telecommunications Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA) is a U.S. law created in response to consumer concerns about telemarketing. The act sets guidelines for telemarketing practices, places greater restrictions on the use of automated telephone equipment, and requires that entities making telephone solicitations maintain do-not-call lists. The

Telephone Bond Definition

Telephone Bond Definition

What is Telephone Bond? Telephone bonds are debt securities, so named because they were issued by early telephone companies to raise funds for capital expenditures. Key Takeaways Telephone bonds are debt securities, so named because they were issued by early telephone companies to raise funds for capital expenditures.Prior to 1984 telephone bonds promised a safe

Taxpayer Recommend Supplier (TAS) Definition

Taxpayer Recommend Supplier (TAS) Definition

What Is the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)? The term Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) refers to an independent organization within the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that reports to the National Taxpayer Advocate. The service represents the rights of individual and corporate taxpayers who experience financial difficulties. Taxpayers can get help from the Taxpayer Advocate Service when

Taxpayer Bill Of Rights -TABOR

Taxpayer Bill Of Rights -TABOR

What is the Taxpayer Bill Of Rights-TABOR The Taxpayer Bill of Rights-TABOR is a broad term encompassing many concepts and initiatives at the federal, state and local level of the United States and some other countries. TABOR sometimes refers to ballot initiatives designed to limit the government’s power of taxation. Specifically, it references a law passed