What It Is and  Send One

What It Is and Send One

What Is a Remittance? A remittance is money that is sent from one party to another. Broadly speaking, any payment of an invoice or a bill can be called a remittance. However, the term is most often used nowadays to describe a sum of money sent by someone working abroad to their family back home.

Regulation R Definition

Regulation R Definition

What Is Regulation R? Regulation R was implemented in 2007 as a provision of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act focuses on regulations for broker-dealers and brokerage transactions. Regulation R provides exceptions for banks to offer certain brokerage services once defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Broker-Dealer A broker-dealer is an

Law U: Monetary establishment Prerequisites and FAQs

Law U: Monetary establishment Prerequisites and FAQs

What Is Regulation U? Regulation U is a Federal Reserve Board regulation that governs loans by entities involving securities as collateral and the purchase of securities on margin. Regulation U limits the amount of leverage that can be extended for loans secured by securities for the purpose of buying more securities. Securities involved typically include stocks, mutual funds, and

Regulation V Defined

Regulation V Defined

What Is Regulation V? Regulation V is a federal regulation that is intended to protect the confidential information of consumers. In particular, it aims to protect the privacy and accuracy of the information contained in consumer credit reports. The Federal Reserve adopted Regulation V in order to comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

Regulation X Definition

Regulation X Definition

What Is Regulation X? Regulation X is a rule, issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRS), that governs credit limits granted to foreign persons or organizations for the purchases of U.S. Treasuries, like T-bonds. The term regulation X may also refer to a regulation covering real estate transactions issued by

Law Y Definition

Law Y Definition

What Is Regulation Y? Regulation Y is a Federal Reserve action that regulates corporate bank holding company practices as well as certain practices of state-member banks. Practices or issues that fall under Regulation Y governance include the establishment of minimum capital reserves (ratio of reserves to assets) for bank holding companies, certain bank holding company transactions