Portfolio Keep an eye on: Definition, Types, and Strategies

Portfolio Keep an eye on: Definition, Types, and Strategies

What Is Portfolio Management? Portfolio management is the art and science of selecting and overseeing a group of investments that meet the long-term financial objectives and risk tolerance of a client, a company, or an institution. Some individuals do their own investment portfolio management. That requires a basic understanding of the key elements of portfolio

Portfolio Plan Definition

Portfolio Plan Definition

What Is a Portfolio Plan? A portfolio plan is an overall strategy that guides day-to-day decisions on investing for the long term. Portfolio planning takes into account the investor’s goals and tolerance for risk, among other factors. A portfolio plan guides the investing decisions of large pension funds and high-net-worth individuals but its principles can

Portfolio Reinsurance Definition

Portfolio Reinsurance Definition

What Is Portfolio Reinsurance? Portfolio reinsurance, also known as assumption reinsurance, is a type of transaction in which one insurance company transfers a large number of its existing insurance policies to another. It is typically employed when the company seeking portfolio reinsurance wishes to cease operating within a particular segment of the insurance market. Key

Portfolio Return Definition

Portfolio Return Definition

What Is Portfolio Return? Portfolio return refers to the gain or loss realized by an investment portfolio containing several types of investments. Portfolios aim to deliver returns based on the stated objectives of the investment strategy, as well as the risk tolerance of the type of investors targeted by the portfolio. Key Takeaways A portfolio return is a

Portfolio Sale

Portfolio Sale

What Is a Portfolio Sale? A portfolio sale is the sale of a large group of related financial assets in a single transaction. A portfolio sale, sometimes called a “bulk sale,” is common in the secondary mortgage market. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are two of the most prominent players in this market; they purchase portfolios