Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) Insurance plans Definition

Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) Insurance plans Definition

What Is Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) Insurance? Contractors’ all risks (CAR) insurance is a non-standard insurance policy that provides coverage for property damage and third-party injury or damage claims, the two primary types of risks on construction projects. Damage to property can include improper construction of structures, the damage that happens during a renovation, and damage to temporary work erected on-site.  Third parties including subcontractors

Contractual Criminal duty Insurance policy: Definition and Coverage

Contractual Criminal duty Insurance policy: Definition and Coverage

What Is Contractual Liability Insurance? Contractual liability insurance protects against liabilities that the policyholder has assumed from entering into a contract of any nature. Key Takeaways Contractual liability insurance protects against liabilities that policyholders assume when entering into a contract.Contractual liability involves the financial consequences emanating from liability, not the assumption of the indemnitee’s liability

What Is a Contrarian? Method in Purchasing and promoting, Risks, and Rewards

What Is a Contrarian? Method in Purchasing and promoting, Risks, and Rewards

What Is a Contrarian? Contrarian investing is an investment style in which investors purposefully go against prevailing market trends by selling when others are buying and buying when most investors are selling. Berkshire Hathaway Chair and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Warren Buffett is a famous contrarian investor. Contrarian investors believe that people who say the market

What Is Contributed Surplus?

What Is Contributed Surplus?

The contributed surplus is the amount of capital from the issuance of shares above the par value. Also known as additional paid-in capital, the surplus is recorded in shareholders’ equity on the balance sheet. Breaking Down Contributed Surplus Initially, a share issuance of common shares will be allocated into two buckets — one for common

Keep an eye on

Keep an eye on

DEFINITION of Control Control refers to having sufficient amount of voting shares of a company to make all corporate decisions. Also known as “corporate control,” this privileged position exists due to majority shareholder support or a dual-class shareholder structure, but can change through a takeover or proxy contest. BREAKING DOWN Control In most situations, control lies in

Financial Controller Roles, Duties, Skillset, Occupation Path

Financial Controller Roles, Duties, Skillset, Occupation Path

What Is a Controller? A controller is an individual who has responsibility for all accounting-related activities, including high-level accounting, managerial accounting, and finance activities, within a company. The duties of a controller include assisting with the preparation of the operating budgets, overseeing financial reporting and performing essential duties relating to payroll. Across all of the duties